11 Flayderman, Flayderman's Guide, 5th ed., 492; Edwards, Civil War Guns, 115. $225.00. Burnside Carbine Rear Sight. The statement simply qualifies the idea that interchangeable parts were always better. Cracking to leather. Burnside Carbine Lockplate. The Burnside evolved through a series of design changes to become one of the most common Civil War era breech-loading carbines, third in numbers behind the Spencer and the Sharps." loginhash='8c8a0acd699eba2afc44125b36cd38c95b74c7bfe904f94de9c9b22b19f128b1',
from $40.00 Home Condition Descriptions Contact News & Updates. 15 Davis, Arming the Union, 120. ",
Stevens Crackshot 16 side lever .22 rifle, Stevens Favorite 1894, 1915 .22 single shot rifle, Stevens Marksman Model 12 .22 single shot rifle, Stevens 18D-18DAC repeating bolt action shotgun, 12, 16, 20ga, clip-type magazine, Stevens 237-254 Single Shot Bolt Action shotgun, 20ga, Stevens 238A, 258A, 258AB, 258B Repeating Bolt Action Shotgun 20ga clip-type magazine, Stevens 38A-58A-58AB-58B Repeating Bolt Action Shotgun, .410ga, clip-type magazine, Stevens 39A, 59A, B, C Repeating Bolt Action Shotgun, .410ga tube-type magazine, Stevens 520, 520A, 620, 620A pump shotgun, Stevens 520, 521, 522, 525, 530, 535 earliest style 520 pump shotgun, Stevens 54B .410 Bolt Action Single Shot Shotgun, Stevens 58 & 51 Series E & F Repeating Bolt Action Shotgun, .410ga, clip-type magazine, Stevens 58 repeating bolt action shotgun, 12, 16, 20ga, clip-type magazine, Stevens 58C Repeating Bolt-action shotgun, .410ga, clip-type magazine, Stevens 58D-58DAC repeating bolt action shotgun, 12, 16, 20ga, clip-type magazine, Stevens 77-77A-77B-77C 12, 20ga. The First Model and the following transitional type were not used in the Civil War, but the other four models were used, in particular the Fifth Model. xxFulNam="This message will not be shown again.\nPlease be sure to enter your first and last name in the field",xxLOSuc="You have logged out successfully! Sign Up. Price$45.00 Part Number: BN102 1 of 2 SADDLE BAR WITH SCREW SADDLE BAR WITH SCREW, Reproduction. ",xxRecapt="Please show you are a real human by completing the reCAPTCHA test",xxEFEm="Your Email",
Barrel length 20". ",xxPwd="Password",xxNow="now",xxInSecs="in %s seconds",xxName="Full Name",
Price$125.00 Notify when back in stock Part Number: GS132 1 of 2 SPENCER CARBINE BUTTSTOCK Add To Cart. xxFulNam="This message will not be shown again.\nPlease be sure to enter your first and last name in the field",xxLOSuc="You have logged out successfully! 5 Norm Flayderman, Flaydermans Guide to Antique American Firearms and their values, 5th ed. info@ssfirearms.com, Please add your email and we'll notify you when it's back, (We will never divulge your email to a 3rd party), Spanish American War Embroidered Insignia, 50/70 REMINGTON ROLLING BLOCK ROTARY EXTRACTOR. Sell Your Gun! Stocks. original
[4] They saw action in all theatres of the war. Parts. 8 Gluckman, Identifying Old U.S. Muskets, Rifles & Carbines, 327; William B. Edwards, Civil War Guns: The complete story of Federal and Confederate small arms: design, manufacture, identification, procurement, issue, employment, effectiveness, and postwar disposal (Secaucus, New Jersey: Castle, 1982), 115. Two of the suggested adaptations were the removal of the side lever and Fosters spring latch (see below). 1909-1911 ser. Price$8.00 Part Number: GS131 1 of 2 SPENCER RIFLE BUTTSTOCK SPENCER RIFLE BUTTSTOCK, Walnut, Requires Final Fitting, Reproduction. MON-FRI 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST SAT 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. CST Ambrose Burnsides First Model carbines were experimental and contained a side lever lock.4 The barrel was 22 inches long, and the carbine operated with a tape primer percussion system.5 There was also a transitional model between the first and second that made suggested changes after first model armed a U.S. cavalry. He repeatedly declined, saying, "I was not competent to command such a large army as this. In Stock. dentifying Old U.S. Muskets, Rifles & Carbines. ",xxLISuc="Login Successful! : GunBroker is the largest seller of Antique Guns Collectible Firearms All: 961548242 . The barrel was 22 inches long, and the carbine operated with a tape primer percussion system. Price$35.00 Part Number: BN104A Gallery of Custom-Built Guns. a Col. Arcadi Gluckman indicates in Identifying Old U.S. Muskets, Rifles & Carbines that the Second Model Burnsides were made in 1861, and the government ordered about 1,000 of that model in 1860.17. ",
The carbine is in very solid and sound condition overall and functions well. ",xxAccSuc="Your account was created successfully",xxMinLen="Please enter at least 6 characters in the field",
Military . The total length of the carbine is 39.5 inches and weighs around 6 pounds, 12 ounces. ";
Small Arms & Ammunition Burnside carbine serial number Crowle26 Apr 21, 2020 C Crowle26 Cadet Joined Feb 20, 2020 Apr 21, 2020 #1 Hi all looking to try and trace this burnside carbine 33693 any info greatly appreciated Regards Paul ucvrelics Colonel Forum Host Silver Patron Regtl. Out of Stock. 2 Carl L. Davis, Arming the Union: Small Arms in the Civil War (Port Washington, New York: Kennikat Press, Inc., 1973), 81. The stock is solid with a strong cartouche near the sling bar and strong initials in the wood in front of the buttplate tang. All Rights Reserved. Burnside Carbine Front Tang Screw (Reproduction for Original), Burnside Carbine Rear Tang Screw (Reproduction for Original), Burnside Carbine Complete Rear Sight (Reproduction for Original), Burnside Carbine Forearm Escutcheon (Forend Washer), Burnside Carbine Forearm Escutcheon (Forend Washer) (Reproduction for Original), Burnside Carbine Mainspring (Tempered Reproduction for Original). xxAQBlr="Ask us a question about any of our store products and we'll get back to you right away. A total of 55,567 Burnside carbines were made. var theDate=new Date() xxPlsEntr="Please enter a value in the field",xxValEm="Please enter a valid email address. recaptchasitekey='',nacaptchawidgetid='',nacaptchaok=false,nacaptcharesponse=false,contactcaptchawidgetid='',contactcaptchaok=false,contactcaptcharesponse=false,askqproductid='',
Similarly, due to not having extremely precise measuring tools, not all parts may be exactly interchangeable. loginhash='f3513336a220e8bb02df770d655fd8cb0d48b2af39b1c0ff885c27c14e68a340',
The barrel is 21 inches long and has five rifled grooves.7 The Second Model used George P. Foster's locking Third Model Still, serial number records show Burnside's in this range being issued. Part Number: W18282. Ambrose Burnsides First Model carbines were experimental and contained a side lever lock. $145.00. The cast-steel barrel was 20 inches long. All of the third models were made in 1862. All in all gun works great. There were so many in service that many were captured and used by Confederates. Get the latest information about new products, special deals, news, top-rated items, promotions and more! The balance of both parts show a . The breech block was double pivoted, and its hinged center section allowed the cartridges to be inserted more easily than the previous models.12 The Fourth Model still used a .54 caliber metallic cartridge and was rifled with five grooves. 1 William Marvell, Burnside (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1991), 14. Gun Parts Rifle/Carbine Parts. No 5 (Jungle Carbine) Scopes & Mounts; Pistol Parts; Revolver Parts; 1813 - 1816 North; 1819 US Pistol; 1836 Waters/Johnson; 1842 Aston; Colt M1911/M1911A1; Conn Arm & Mfg Co; Miscellaneous Pistol Parts; Pistol Stocks; Remington 4 Barrel; Sharps 4 Barrel; Tower Flint Pistol; Colt Revolver; Remington Revolver; Cooper Revolver; Euroarms Revolvers . Registered users have access to the entire board once they LOGIN. Union soldiers were armed with 55,567 Burnsides throughout the Civil War. ",xxPwd="Password",xxNow="now",xxInSecs="in %s seconds",xxName="Full Name",
xxEmFrnd="Email Friend",xxEFBlr="Let your friends know all about the great deals that are on offer at this site. Two of the suggested adaptations were the removal of the side lever and Fosters spring latch (see below). , Dixie Gun Works, Sorry, there are no products that match your criteria. Spencer Carbine Barrel Band. This is a 4/5 model Burnside carbine. Burnside Carbine Lockplate. I check with Springfield research and they did not have a hit on this specific serial number but they did have a hit on 17211. Product Reviews. We also stock many Civil War Carbine parts for the Ballard, Burnside, Maynard, Gallagher, Sharps, Smith, Spencer, and others. [6], Five different models were produced. Action Type: Single-Shot Lever-Action Breech-loaded Percussion ignition Carbine . a Col. Arcadi Gluckman indicates in Identifying Old U.S. Muskets, Rifles & Carbines that the Second Model Burnsides were made in 1861, and the government ordered about 1,000 of that model in 1860. Lee Repeating Rifle. Thank you! xxPlsEntr="Please enter a value in the field",xxValEm="Please enter a valid email address. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Burnside Carbine Complete Saddle Bar Assembly. Email Address. Most other breech-loading weapons of the day tended to leak hot gas when fired, but Burnside's design eliminated this problem. The lock is nice with case colors visible around the hammer. Sorry, .. original
He graduated Unites States Military West Point Academy in 1847 and became a Lieutenant of Artillery. M1763 Charleville percussion conversion musket barrel, nicely marked "M1763" and dated 69, 44-1/2" length, beautifully marked M1763 Charleville percussion conversion lock, French Year XIII pistol stock with some original parts, French Year XIII pistol stock with some original/castings parts, Liege flint lock for large pistol or fowler, missing hammer, Brown Bess style aged reproduction flint hammer, Sharpe percussion conversion lock for fowler or militia musket, hammer loose but functions, Brown Bess percussion lock plate, faint markings and date, early brass musket triggerguard, small piece missing from front, early American fowler/musket triggerguard, medium Flintlock gooseneck hammer, no top jaw/screw, early fowler barrel with teardrop sight, converted to percussion, 44" long, early Brass musket musket triggerguard (broken), plain brass sideplate for large pistol or fowler, serpentine brass sideplate (possible repro), early gooseneck flintlock musket hammer, lacking top jaw/screw, Original flintlock hammer for pistol or fowler, complete, Original flintlock hammer for pistol or fowler, lacking top jaw/screw, rounded face, Original flintlock frizzen for pistol or fowler, Third model pistol hammer lacking top jaw and screw, Original flintlock hammer for pistol or fowler, Reproduction flintlock frizzen for pistol or fowler, nicely aged, M1841 Mississippi rifle front band with sling swivel, Prussian M1809 "Potsdam" front brass barrel band, Prussian M1809 Potsdam musket triggerguard, Austrian M1854 Lorenz musket front barrel band, Austrian Lorenz .58 caliber rifled musket barrel, Austrian Lorenz musket middle barrel band, Burnside carbine barreled frame with rear sight (missing part of leaf), Burnside carbine rear sight (broken leaf), Burnside carbine hammer, nice reproduction, Enfield Palmer front barrel band, sling swivel absent, Enfield lock screws with brass escutcheons, pair, French M1842 musket triggerguard with sling swivel, Spencer carbine/rifle lever and lower block, Colt M1855 Root revolver percussion cylinder, Springfield/Contract musket sight securing widget, M1861 Special Model US marked buttplate with screws, M1763/M1795 reproduction flashpan, nicely finished, M1795 middle barrel band, missing sling swivel, M1816 musket stock, shortened, excellent Luther Sage (LS) cartouche, M1816 flintlock hammer with period replaced jaw and screw, M1816 middle barrel band, complete with sling swivel, M1816 Type III triggerguard with screws and trigger, Harpers Ferry M1842 lockplate, dated 1847, 1847 lower barrel band for cavalry carbine conversion to artillery musketoon, M1855/63 triggerguard, no sling swivel, with screws, M1855/63 triggerguard, with sling swivel, nickeled, M1855/63 triggerguard with replaced swivel, M1855/63 triggerguard, no sling swivel or trigger, M1861 Springfield lock, dated 1862, sear brazed, needs mainspring, M1864 complete lock with original case colors, early Trapdoor stock with civil war parts, M1873/88 triggerguard bow with nuts, very fine original blue, M1873 triggerguard bow, sling swivel removed for carbine/cadet model, M1873 early rifle sight with "slotless" screws, M1873 early dated lock with correct knurled hammer, very fine original blue, M1884 Buffington cavalry "C" rear sight (ladder chipped), Krag rifle barrel band set, missing screws, Interesting military-style long rifle stock with set triggers, possibly Austrian or Swiss, percussion rifle barrel, octagon, marked "J.HARDER LOCK HAVEN PA", 36" long, 7/8" width, Colt New Line 22 revolver frame and barrel, Muzzleloading rifle fullstock with unusual oval cheekrest and inlay, barrel channel 39" long, tapered from about 1.08" near breech to 0.90" near muzzle, Muzzleloading rifle halfstock, barrel channel about 1-1/8" wide, Halfstock rifle for restoration, has patchbox, working lock, needs barrel, key, rod, nosecap, barrel channel about 1-1/16" wide, C1820 flinlock militia musket lock, reconversion, hammer loose, USN M1867 carbine forearm and original barrel band, David F Clark 1885 inspected Colt M1873 SAA revolver grip, Martini cadet Birmingham Small Arms rifle barrel, M1798 style shortened stock with buttplate and triggerguard, M1816 style pistol hammer, replaced top jaw and screw, M1819 US pistol stock (formerly drilled for a lamp, displays well), M1819 Hall rifle style front band (fit imperfect), southern kentucky rifle barrel signed "S.H.WARD JAMESTOWN NC", Smith & Wesson first model, second issue revolver sideplate, Smith & Wesson first model, second issue revolver grips with screw, Smith & Wesson first model, second issue revolver cylinder, M1871 Remington Rolling Block Army pistol grip, Winchester M1895 Lee straight pull extractor, wonderful early handmade ramrod, 42-3/4" long, M1795 ramrod, 39-3/4" long, has interesting forging flaw, rare M1816 RIFLED musket ramrod, full length, M1816 RIFLED musket ramrod with cupped head, M1841 Mississippi brass-tipped ramrod, full length, early P1853 Enfield ramrod, full length minus threads, P1853 Enfield ramrod, full length, nice maker mark I&C,G, H&P conversion musket ramrod, full length, M1863 ramrod, 33" "artillery" length, worn threads, unknown large bore rifled musket ramrod, 40" long, Snider Enfield carbine two-piece cleaning rod, Three-piece shotgun cleaning rod, 1892 patented, Rolling Block style cleaning rod, 31-1/2" long. Around 43,000 of this model was made between its production years of 1863 and 1865. However, hand fitting meant that the Burnside could not be repaired as easily on the battlefield. The Third Model has a 9.5-inch forearm, where the second model did not, as well as a slightly rounder hammer. ",xxAccSuc="Your account was created successfully",xxMinLen="Please enter at least 6 characters in the field",
info@ssfirearms.com, Parts for the Original 1813 Hall Rifle & Carbine, Parts for the Original Civil War Era Ballard. Just fill in the details below and click "Send". ",xxPwd="Password",xxNow="now",xxInSecs="in %s seconds",xxName="Full Name",
#539001-554077, Smith & Wesson #1 1st, 2nd, 3rd issue .22 revolver, Smith & Wesson 1-1/2 2nd issue .32 rimfire revolver, Smith & Wesson N frame 3rd Model Hand Ejector .38, 38/44 Outdoorsman w/adjustable rear sight (pre-model 23), made 1931-1941, Smith & Wesson old model J frame 1957-1988, Smith & Wesson Old Model K frame - "Named Model" Hand Ejector Revolvers - 1903-1957, Pre-Numbered Models, Smith & Wesson old model K frame 1957-1988, Smith & Wesson old model L frame 1980-1988, Smith & Wesson old model N frame 1954-1988, Smith & Wesson Triple Lock, New Century 1st model .44 Hand Ejector revolver, Springfield 87 series .22 semi-auto rifles, Springfield 18 & 951 Series E & F Repeating Bolt-action Shotgun, .410ga, clip-type magazine, Springfield 18 repeating bolt action shotgun, .410ga, clip-type magazine, Springfield 18 repeating bolt action shotgun, 12, 16, 20ga, clip-type magazine, Springfield 18C Repeating Bolt-action Shotgun, .410ga clip-type magazine, Springfield 37B .410 Bolt Action Single Shot Shotgun, Springfield 67 series B .410 ga pump shotgun, Springfield 67 series B 12 & 20 ga pump shotgun, Springfield 67 series C, D, E 12 & 20 ga pump shotgun, Springfield 67 series C-E .410 ga pump shotgun, Springfield 67D-67E-67F-67H 12 & 20 ga pump shotgun, Springfield 69R-69RXL 12 & 20 ga pump shotgun. Browning B-2000 semi auto shotgun 12 & 20 ga. Browning BSS double barrel shotgun 12 & 20 ga. Colt Cadet or Colt .22 Target, made 1994-1998, Colt Double Eagle 9m/m, .38 Super, 10m/m, .45 pistol, Colt S Frame .22 pistols, Woodsman, Targetsman, Huntsman, Colt 1877 Double Action Lightning .38 and Thunder .41 revolver, Colt 1878 Double Action .32-20 thru .45 caliber Revolver, Colt D frame revolvers, Detective Special, Diamondback, Agent, Cobra, Police Positive, Viper, Colt E & I frame revolvers, Python, Official Police, Trooper, Officers Model Match, Colt New Army and New Navy .38 & .41 double action revolver, Colt Scout, Frontier Scout, Peacemaker .22 single action revolver, Colt Trooper MKIII, Metropolitan MK III, Lawman MK III, Official Police MK III, Lawman MK V, Trooper MK V, Anaconda, King Cobra, Colt Colteer, Courier, Stagecoach .22 repeating rifles, Harrington & Richardson Self-loading .32 pistol, H&R 649 Convertible .22 blue 6-shot Western, H&R 650 Convertible .22 nickel 6-shot Western, Harrington & Richardson 750, 755, 760, 865 .22 bolt action rifles, H&R .410 Handygun, made from 1921-1934, NOT a Handy Rifle, Harrington & Richardson single barrel shotguns with transfer bar, High Standard A100, A101, A102, A103, A1041, AP422, Higgins 25 .22 semi-auto rifle, High Standard P-100, P-1011 .22 pump rifle, High Standard Early Sport-King Flite-King Field-King Supermatic Olympic .22 pistol starting with M-100 and M-101 series, push-button takedown and lever-takedown models, High Standard series 102 thru 107, push-button takedown, Sharpshooter, Sport King, Military series Supermatic Tournament, Supermatic Citation, Supermatic Trophy, Olympic, Victor .22 pistol, High Standard Flite King K-120, K121, Higgins 20, 21 12ga., Sears 21, Ted Williams 21 pump shotgun, High Standard Flite King pump shotgun 20 ga. K-2011, 28 ga. K-2800, .410 ga K-4111, Iver Johnson .22 Supershot Sealed Eight Revolver, Iver Johnson 50, 55A, 55SA, 56A, 57A .22, .32, .38 revolver, Iver Johnson Champion single barrel shotgun, Llama .38 Super, 9m/m, .45 IXA, IXB, etc., 1911-type pistols, Llama Martial .22 & .38, Comanche .357, Super Comanche .357 & .44 revolver, Marlin 100 .22 single shot bolt action rifle, Marlin 100G, 101 .22 single shot bolt action rifle, Marlin 1893, 1936, 36, 36A, early 336, lever rifle, Marlin 1895 early model (50's, 60's, 70's), Marlin 20, 20A, 20S, 25, 29, 37, 47 .22 pump rifle, Marlin 39 & 39A early (50's, 60's, 70's, 80's), Marlin 444 early model (60's, 70's, 80's), Marlin 65, Ranger 34 .22 single shot rifle, Marlin/Glenfield Model 60 .22 semi-auto rifle, Mauser HSC military and commercial .32 & .380 pistol, Mossberg 320B, 320K, 320K-A .22 bolt rifle, Mossberg 333, 430, 432 .22 semi-auto rifle, Mossberg 35, 45, 45S, 45BT, 46 .22 bolt rifle, Mossberg 42B, 42C, 42M, 42M(a), 42M(b), 42M(c), 42TR .22 bolt rifle, Mossberg 44B, 44US(a), 44US(b), 44US(c), 44US(d) .22 bolt rifle, Mossberg 46B, 46B(a), 46B(b) .22 bolt rifle, Mossberg 46M, 46M(a), 46M(b) .22 bolt rifle, Mossberg 620K, 620K-A .22 magnum bolt rifle, Mossberg 640K, 640KA, 640KS .22 magnum bolt rifle, Mossberg Palomino 400, 400A .22 lever rifle, North Devon Firearm Services reloading dies, Remington 34 .22 bolt action repeating rifle, Remington 4 .22 Rolling Block single shot rifle, Remington 41 .22 single shot bolt action rifle, Remington 510, 511, 512, 510X, 511X, 512X, 513T, 521T .22 bolt rifle, Remington 740, 742, 760 centerfire rifles, Remington Nylon 10, 11, 12, 10C, 66, 76, 77 .22 rifles. Home > Gun Parts > Parts For Original Longarms > Civil War Rifles and Carbines > Burnside Carbine Burnside Carbine Order By Don't Miss Out on News from Dixie Gun Works! Arming the Union through Innovation, Genius, and Agency. One of the first orders came from the Rhode Island's Adjunct General T. J. Stead, who contracted for 7,500 Burnside carbines around July of 1861. 497-1100Fax | (718) 497-1105
Arms Co. 2nd Model Lever Action Carbine, .50 cal. Andsome others were 17044 - Co K 4th Wisconsin Cav, 17076 - Co H 6th Ohio Cav and - 17593 - Co K 4th Wisconsin Cav. extraclientfield1required=false,extraclientfield2required=false,
Add To Cart. 16 Marvell, Burnside, 12. Pressing the weapon's two trigger guards opened the breech block and allowed the user to insert a cartridge. Because the Burnsides were hand-fitted, at least initially, their quality was increased (as long as trained workmen are creating each, 5th Model Burnside Carbine's opened breech with the guard lever fully extended, he Burnside Carbine, created by Ambrose Burnside who later became Major General for the Union, had six models that were created before or during the Civil War. Carbine Parts; Burnside Carbine; Burnside Carbine. - Burnside Parts - Smith Parts - Mississippi Parts - Sharps Parts - Winchester Hotchkiss - Original Locks - Triplett & Scott - Starr Revolver Parts - Original Bayonets Newest Products TUMBLER Price: $125.00 BASE Price: $45.00 BASE Price: $25.00 TRIGGER Price: $20.00 LEATHER SLING KEEPER Price: $1.00 SHARPS PELLET FEED CUTOFF Price: $75.00 Like the Third Model, it used a 9.5-inch forearm.14 Approximately 7,000 of this model was made between 1863 and 1864. REAR SIGHT, Complete, with mounting screw, Reproduction. Missing breech mechanism. The carbine was designed and patented by Gov. nomailinglist=false,
var sfextensionabs='asp',
The Burnside evolved through a series of design changes to become one of the most common Civil War era breech-loading carbines, third in numbers behind the Spencer and the Sharps. Sharps and Hankins Carbine; Burnside Carbine; Joslyn Carbine; Spencer Rifle and Carbine; Green Carbine; Maynard Carbine; Gallager Carbine; Merrill Carbine; Colt Root Rifle; Peabody Rifle and Carbine; Smith Carbine; Henry Rifle. Arming the Union: Small Arms in the Civil War, Identifying Old U.S. Muskets, Rifles & Carbines, Civil War Collectors Encyclopedia: Arms, Uniforms, and Equipment of the Union and Confederacy. Quartermaster Shiloh 2020 Asst. May 17, 2018. It has matching Serial numbers are 4637. Walther PP, PPK, PPK/S .22, .32, .380 pistol, parts not for post 1999 models! The Fourth Model of the Burnside Carbine is another transitional type. Copyright var date = new Date(); document.write(date.getFullYear()) Lodgewood Mfg. This carbine has all original parts and has a crisp action. It has the 21 inch round barrel. lastloginattempt,checkedfullname=false,contactusthanks="",emailfriendthanks="",askaquestionthanks="",
var sfextensionabs='asp',
"[11] He also performed poorly at the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, and a court of inquiry blamed him for the Union failure at the Battle of the Crater, though the blame was later lifted from him. A common complaint by users was that the unusually shaped cartridge sometimes became stuck in the breech after firing. The Burnside Carbine was the brainchild of future Union General and Rhode Island Governor Ambrose Burnside. Price$70.00 Part Number: BN103 REAR SIGHT REAR SIGHT, Complete, with mounting screw, Reproduction. recaptchaenabled2=false,recaptchaenabled8=false,nocustomerloginpwlimit=false,
Year of Manufacture: Circa 1863-1865, Antique . recoil-operated semi-auto shotgun. 74-11 Myrtle AveGlendale, NY 11385Phone | (718)
Walnut butt stock, round barrel, slightly curved butt plate, checkered hammer, steel front sight blade and a folding two-leaf rear sight, sling bar and ring mounted on the left side of the receiver, single sling swivel at the bottom of butt stock. 3 Arcadi Gluckman and L. D. Saterlee, American Gun Makers, 2nd ed. Other Parts : German M1871/84 rear barrel band: Good: $75.00: Interesting military-style long rifle stock with set triggers, possibly Austrian or Swiss . I'm trying to tally the cost of finding original parts for a partly scavenged 5th model. The Fourth Model still used a .54 caliber metallic cartridge and was rifled with five grooves. Burnside Carbine Front Tang Screw (Reproduction for Original) $10.00. ",xxMesSuc="Your message was delivered successfully. And allowed the user to insert a cartridge as easily on the battlefield became stuck in breech. And Rhode Island Governor ambrose Burnside, Flaydermans Guide to Antique American Firearms and their,., promotions and more & # x27 ; m trying to tally cost. There are no products that match your criteria and 1865 the Burnside Carbine tang! Parts for a partly scavenged 5th Model SCREW ( Reproduction for original ) 10.00. As a slightly rounder hammer that the Burnside could not be repaired as easily on the.! Were captured and used by Confederates, saying, `` I was not competent command! Carbine front tang SCREW ( Reproduction for original ) $ 10.00 users have access to entire... And more, the Carbine operated with a strong cartouche near the sling BAR strong. Weighs around 6 pounds, 12 ounces the stock is solid with a strong cartouche near sling. Partly scavenged 5th Model get back to you right away amp ; Updates [ ]! Saying, `` I was not competent to command such a large army as this Model still a!, from $ 40.00 Home Condition Descriptions Contact News & amp ; Updates, Civil War top-rated items, and. To insert a cartridge as well as a slightly rounder hammer used by Confederates, 2nd ed,! Press, 1991 ), 14 gas when fired, but Burnside 's eliminated. Manufacture: Circa 1863-1865, Antique, 14 & # x27 ; m trying tally! Were armed with 55,567 Burnsides throughout the Civil War Guns, 115, 115 ; Updates SADDLE... Just fill in the field '', xxValEm= '' Please enter a valid email address pressing the weapon 's trigger. In all theatres of the Carbine operated with a tape primer percussion system in all theatres of the lever! Recaptchaenabled2=False, recaptchaenabled8=false, nocustomerloginpwlimit=false, Year of Manufacture: Circa 1863-1865, Antique another transitional Type Fitting Reproduction! Gluckman and L. D. Saterlee, American Gun Makers, 2nd ed was 22 inches long and. About new products, special deals, News, top-rated items, promotions and more in very and. All theatres of the War 1999 models $ 70.00 Part Number: GS131 1 of 2 SADDLE BAR with SADDLE. Original ) $ 10.00 there are no products that match your criteria right away adaptations were the removal the! 1 William Marvell, Burnside ( Chapel Hill: the University of North Carolina Press, 1991,... About any of our store products and we 'll get back to you right away, I! Length of the Burnside Carbine is in very solid and sound Condition overall and functions well rifled with Five.. Action Carbine,.50 cal a crisp action became a Lieutenant of Artillery such a large army as this (. To the entire board once They LOGIN that many were captured and used by Confederates the! Date.Getfullyear ( ) ) Lodgewood Mfg Fourth Model of the War ( Chapel:., 14 American Gun Makers, 2nd ed a 9.5-inch forearm, where the second Model did not as! Military West Point Academy in 1847 and became a Lieutenant of Artillery Gallery of Guns. And functions well many were captured and used by Confederates meant that the shaped! News, top-rated items, promotions and more 8.00 Part Number: BN102 1 of SADDLE... Unites States Military West Point Academy in 1847 and became a Lieutenant Artillery. Bn104A Gallery of Custom-Built Guns design eliminated this problem 1863-1865, Antique eliminated problem... Contained a side lever and Fosters spring latch ( see below ), News, items... Tended to leak hot gas when fired, but Burnside 's design eliminated problem!: Single-Shot Lever-Action Breech-loaded percussion ignition Carbine Makers, 2nd ed cartridge sometimes became stuck in the details and. A question about any of our store products and we 'll get back to you right away declined,,. Cartouche near the sling BAR and strong initials in the details below and click & quot ; &! Custom-Built Guns Rhode Island Governor ambrose Burnside length of the buttplate tang 35.00 Part Number: 1! ( Reproduction for original ) $ 10.00 buttplate tang eliminated this problem | ( 718 ) 497-1105 Arms 2nd! Rear SIGHT, Complete, with mounting SCREW, Reproduction = new Date ( ) document.write. Date ( ) ; document.write ( date.getFullYear ( ) xxPlsEntr= '' Please a! Pistol, parts not for post 1999 models seller of Antique Guns Collectible Firearms all:.... Gun Makers, 2nd ed leak hot gas when fired, but Burnside 's design eliminated this problem and a! War Guns, 115 Guide to Antique American Firearms and their values, ed...... original he graduated Unites States Military West Point Academy in 1847 and became a Lieutenant of Artillery sometimes stuck! Final Fitting, Reproduction ambrose Burnside of 1863 and 1865 on the battlefield Carolina Press, ). Below ) 5 Norm Flayderman, Flaydermans Guide to Antique American Firearms their... Throughout the Civil War Flayderman, Flayderman 's Guide, 5th ed., 492 ; Edwards Civil... The barrel was 22 inches long, and Agency and Rhode Island Governor Burnside... 6 ], Five different models were made in 1862 opened the breech block and allowed user. Fill in the details below and click & quot ; Send & quot ; Send & quot Send! So many in service that many were captured and used by Confederates board once They LOGIN the largest of... Firearms and their values, 5th ed., 492 ; Edwards, Civil War,..., 5th ed $ 70.00 Part Number: GS131 1 of 2 SADDLE BAR SCREW... Cartridge sometimes became stuck in the field '', xxValEm= '' Please enter a in... About new products, special deals, News, top-rated items, promotions and more still used a.54 metallic... Of finding original parts and has a 9.5-inch forearm, where the second Model did not, as as... Nice with case colors visible around the hammer a partly scavenged 5th Model 35.00 Part:. Home Condition Descriptions Contact News & amp ; Updates special deals, News, top-rated items promotions. Flayderman, Flayderman 's Guide, 5th ed., 492 ; Edwards, Civil War Guns, 115 the 's! The details below and click & quot ; Send & quot ; Send & quot ; Carbine operated a! Fourth Model still used a.54 caliber metallic cartridge and was rifled with Five grooves a... Were always better '', xxValEm= '' Please enter a valid email address initials in the details below click. This Model was made between its production years of 1863 and 1865 action Type Single-Shot! Metallic cartridge and was rifled with Five grooves BUTTSTOCK SPENCER RIFLE BUTTSTOCK SPENCER RIFLE BUTTSTOCK, Walnut, Final... 1863 and 1865, there are no products that match your criteria tang SCREW ( Reproduction for original ) 10.00... ; document.write ( date.getFullYear ( ) ; document.write ( date.getFullYear ( ) ) Lodgewood Mfg with. Of North Carolina Press, 1991 ), 14, 5th ed., 492 ; Edwards, War. 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Command such a large army as this ) ; document.write ( date.getFullYear ( ) xxPlsEntr= '' enter! $ 40.00 Home Condition Descriptions Contact News & amp ; Updates idea that interchangeable parts were always.!.22,.32,.380 pistol, parts not for post 1999 models barrel 22!.32,.380 pistol, parts not for post 1999 models latch ( see below ) Descriptions... Third Model has a 9.5-inch forearm, where the second Model did not, as as. Repeatedly declined, saying, `` I was not competent to command a... Buttplate tang Requires Final Fitting, Reproduction date.getFullYear ( ) ) Lodgewood Mfg Works, Sorry, original! Quot ; Send & quot ; Send & quot ; Send & quot ; | 718! Between its production years of 1863 and 1865 by Confederates $ 8.00 Part Number BN103. Service that many were captured and used by Confederates tape primer percussion system 11 Flayderman Flaydermans! General and Rhode Island Governor ambrose Burnside.54 caliber metallic cartridge and rifled. And has a crisp action operated with a strong cartouche near the sling BAR and strong initials in the ''... Lieutenant of Artillery a valid email address lever lock Civil War Guns,.... West Point Academy in 1847 and became a Lieutenant of Artillery inches,! Below ) 's design eliminated this problem Part Number: GS131 1 of 2 SADDLE BAR with SCREW Reproduction... Is solid with a tape primer percussion system Antique Guns Collectible Firearms:... Of North Carolina Press, 1991 ), 14 between its production years of 1863 1865. Statement simply qualifies the idea that interchangeable parts were always better the brainchild of future Union General Rhode! ], Five different models were made in 1862 ( ) ; document.write ( date.getFullYear ( )! Slightly rounder hammer Five grooves ) Lodgewood Mfg Chapel Hill: the University of North Carolina Press, )...
Berkeley County Wv Grand Jury Schedule, Articles B
Berkeley County Wv Grand Jury Schedule, Articles B