- Directed resp f/dom disturbance; split prsnl/solved incident w/3 wg agencies--restored order to 144 tower residents What is organization and presentation of data in statistics? Established in 2010, iWATCH Army encourages and empowers the Army community to identify and report suspicious behavior potentially associated with terrorist activity. - Directed AF's lrgst RP program; oversaw 402 controlled & nine restricted areas--vital to USAF '16 Best Lrg SF unit, - Directed forces to nine 911 hang-ups originating in RA; coordinated to assess/secure area--resources protected - Conducts witness and victim interviews; collects evidence, apprehends/detains offenders and completes reports/forms Webo coordinated the installation defense measures for five joint bases, 7,000 personnel and 80 aircraft o implemented strict security measures for DVs including the King of Jordan to 31st Fighter Wing Public Affairs. The key word is random, White said. - Identified local wanted fugitive at VCC; coordinated with local law enforcement--seamless custodial transfer, - Immediately rais d barriers for two ECP gate-runners; challeng'd driver/secur d scene--51st remains hard target RANDOM ANTITERRORISM MEASURES Security for work and home. - Led response during four medical emergencies; administered first aid until EMS arrived--prevented loss of life, - Led security spt for French refueling msn; 150 sorties/3K hrs/24K lbs of fuel--strengthened coalition relations lB in DoD acrft OPSEC is a pillar of the Army Protection Program, said Terry Koch, command security manager, U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence. Whereas Counter -terrorism is the implementing body which carries out operations based on the legislation made before. - Trained four flt Airmen; assured competence in assigned duties & responsibilities--attained 90% eval pass rate, - Trained over 450 base personnel on basic guard duties--increased post security, prevented injuries Fall out. - Established LZ f/8 Hajj acft; led 3 overwatch tms/guarded afld/0 CMA incursions--granted safe pilgrimage f/2K civs - Intercepted 7 unauthorized vessels/10 personnel in CRA; subjects cited/briefed & released--negated threat, - Jt Svs Open House dir sec ops; led 1,185 DoD mbrs/3 sites/denied 76 protestors access--secured 106K guests, - Key ECP member during sector lockdown; evac'd personnel & secured entry/exit lanes--prevented penetration 0000001376 00000 n
- Superb Amn; ID'd as outstanding performer during DV detail--coined by USEUCOM/CC for professionalism, - Superb supervisory skills; fostered teamwork/raised morale/motivated Amn--lauded by unit & wing leadership - Managed 20 vehicle fleet valued at $800K; ensured 96% Vehicle-In-Commission rate--trump'd AF goal by 6%, - Managed 65+ OJT records; created checklist/conducted review--efforts resulted in 20 corrected discrepancies - Key member of Wg Emergency Services Team; endured intense training/earned cert--leader among peer group, - Lead 6 defenders to Iceland; sppt'd USAF Icelandic Aerial Surveillance Rotations msn--awarded AF Commendation Veteran Continues to Serve Those Who Serve, Pre-Enlistment Course Helps in Recruiting, Student Uses Guard Membership to Attend College Debt Free, Transition Assistance Program Holds Career Fair, Desert Storm Anniversary: Veteran Recalls American Triumph, New Electronic Health Record System for Beneficiaries, Toxicologists Hold Vital Role in Protecting DOD Workforce. }&9\J2SEeyn%fbtmFF.JJme:8
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- Alerted to seven 113 Wg klaxon alrms; secured alert fighter aircraft--guaranteed airtight defense of PL-2 asset, - Appointed Honor Guard led; performed 5 details/certified ceremonial guardsmen--time-honored traditions preserved Terrorist attacks, active shooters, and cybercrimes have increased significantly in our country. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. It is recommended that you print them in Color for effect. The random antiterrorism measures are conducted in order to keep Soldiers, facility members, employees, and visitors safe, Reaves said. 0
- Performed as observer/controller during five USAF exercises; integral to overall success of SF assessments, - Performed duties as vehicle trainer; trained 20+ flight members on SF vehicles--increased Govrn Vhcle drivers - Volunteered for annual pumpkin patrol; aggressively patrolled base community--ensured a fun/safe time for all 1 What is the purpose of random antiterrorism measures? Everyone plays a role in security, in one form or another. - Executed joint IDP SOP with 82d ABN; created seamless joint ops--Sec'd primary SOJTF logistics hub worth $1.6bil - Received 36 coins; lauded by C2--CFACC/COMACC/CENTCOM/CSM/AFCENT/FP Director/SFM/Wg/Gp/CC The overall goal, Rodriguez said, is to work together to share critical information and strengthen our ability to combat terrorism. As Rodriguez emphasizes, if you see something, say something. - Champion'd police outreach pgm; educated base community on SF duties--bridged gap between SF & base pop, - Cited 30 traffic violators; enforced regulations--reduced vehicle accidents/improved public safety compliance There are a variety of security programs and measures used to secure the installation. Graduated strenuous two week Contingency Readiness Training--deployed in support of OND, - Combat ready, graduated strenuous 17 day Desert Defender Regional Trning Center-- deply'd to support OIR mission - Hastily responded to worst ROK typhoon in 50 yrs; redirected traffic for responding crew--flawless execution, - ID'd 4 FP gaps in KDH cargo/prsnl ops; coord'd w/EOSS/re-postured 3 patrls f/afld def--prevented flight line breachs - Selected to attend unit's Deliberate Development Crs; honed ldrsp skills--prepar'd to execute supervisor duties "Hc7-U{@*kp5' drUc%P0iV9C6 a0&9rn. - Assumed C2 during 10 unannounced alarm activations; swift actions/text book response led to safe resolutions, - Attended 32 hr Defensive Driving crse; improved pursuit/emerg response/skid control skills--ready for war-time msn Termination and reformation However, there were many human rights violations by the squad, from extreme means of torture to public shootings. - Oriented/trained newly assigned Amn; ensured proficiency of duties--enabled smooth transition into AF & unit RAMs ultimately is used to reduce vulnerability to terrorist acts. Sgt. How do you I stop my TV from turning off at a time dish? Anti-Terrorism consists of defensive measures used to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and property to terrorist acts. RAM stands for Random Antiterrorism Measures (US DoD) Suggest new definition This definition appears frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Military and Government See other definitions of RAM Other Resources: We have 365 other meanings of RAM in our Acronym Attic Link/Page Citation Defense in Depth. - Establish'd entry control point for grnd emergency; evacuat'd affect'd area--protect'd four F-16s worth $160M - Completed AF Principles of Instruction crse; received six credits--certified instructor for 40 ancillary topics, - Completed all training requirements w/o issue; maintained worldwide readiness--maximized unit capability &&_`W0 +Vl "EO6ZHg0l{JH(0;H2N8bH^a)DmgXvaXl/#;H RL]L ,U@$? o !
9XK\'*YqMCjG_|6Lt(CH.bZ9@P~FeU. - Detected four trespassers; prevented multiple threats/identified wanted felon--secured CSX deviation Lt. Col Carey Way, commander of the 839th Transportation Battalion, was glad to see it taking place. What is the purpose of random antiterrorism measures? - Selfless individual; volunteered to sponsor two inbound Defenders--eased transition for newly assigned pers, - Served as squad leader during primary's two month absence; managed 13 Security Forces Airmen--zero deficiencies Encrypted radio/satellite battlefield positioning system expert--improved flt readiness/capability - Direct'd flt ops f/30 Role-3/45 MEDEVACs; est security/facilitated patient movement--enabl'd care f/62 WIA/CF/AFN - Augmented Flight; conducted entry point ID checks--safegarded 43K personnel & $4B in msn critical resources She is also a board member of CPAAAN (Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association of Norfolk), a member of CERT of Norfolk (Community Emergency Response Team), and InfraGard. Tammy also has her HAM radio technician license (KM4CSI). - First on-scene to vehicle accident; secured scene/conducted investigation--minimized further potential hazards Maintaining a strong defensive posture can prevent terrorist acts and protect people, critical assets, infrastructure, and sensitive information. Random antiterrorism measures contribute to community security. FORT HUACHUCA, Ariz. August is Antiterrorism Awareness Month highlighting the importance of programs like iWATCH Army, Operations Security training and Cybersecurity Awareness to educate the community and help deter threats. - Provided security for Senator Kennedy's funeral; crucial TCP for event--perfect execution without deficiencies Random Anti-Terrorism measures (RAM) Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 10 Designed to provide random, multiple security measures that consistently change the look of an installation for such a program Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by david_wilkens Terms in this set (10) Random Anti-Terrorism measures (RAM) every three years. - Delivered K-9 support for 12 high-vis events; SECDEF/SECAF/CSAF--perfect execution for 400+ GOs/DVs, - Demonstrated expert C2 during 55 alarms on PL 1-3 resources; ensured security of DoD assets valued at $50B This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. - Assisted USMC w/filling sand bags; prvd'd phy sec for FOB vital in overtaking enmy HQ--eliminated key enmy ldrs - Assisted U.S. WebRandom Antiterrorism Measures (US DoD) RAM: Relative Atomic Mass (chemistry) RAM: Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (International Conference) RAM: Rockets, - Personally led two McGruff events; educated 400 children on crime prevention--enhanced community relations, - Piloted EOD team to suspicious package; safeguarded convoy/equip--device neutralized/mitigated loss of life (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Andria J. Allmond), An official website of the United States government, Readout of US Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr.s travel to Jordan, Department of the Air Force unmasks academic degrees for major, lieutenant colonel promotion boards, CSAF visits RAF Lakenheath during holidays, Readout of U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr.s travel to Lithuania, Maryland ANG first to certify cyber protection team on live network, AFRL launches wearable biomolecular sensors program for DoD, transfers technology to Sensate Biosystems, DAF announces 2022 Air Force Design Award winners, Aerodynamic technologies for mobility aircraft promise high return on investment, AFMC partnership drives progress in mentoring, diversity, AETC completes inaugural Force Development Environment Assessment focused on year 2030, Bussiere assumes command of Air Force Global Strike Command, Robins AFB takes next step in establishing new missions, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil, 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs. - Provided C2 for disturbance; accom'd to swift apprehension of suspects--effect'd five Article 134/117 charges - Orchestrated airtight courtroom security for 3 CMs/11 days; coor'd MWDs & bailiffs--legal proceedings incident free, - Org'd police veh GPS install proj; mng'd ops w/6 orgs/rotat'd 106 shift vehs--enabl'd tracking of $3M in assets - Completed American Heart Association Heart-Saver crs; taught eight airman CPR--improved unit's lifesaving skills - Innovative and resourceful; led unit's migration to the MBITR tactical radio system--sustained crit comms FEBRUARY 17, 2022 Working on a military post overseas means increased visibility and vulnerability to intruders, a thought never far from the garrison operations staff who oversee the counter-terrorism program. - Well rounded Amn; demonstrated ability to perform tasks on time--completed tasks with minimum supervision - Lead security response force member f/ CORONA evnt; 30 GOs/SECAF/DVs in attendance--AF top leaders secured There are precautions that can be taken to be secure at work, school, the mall, home, almost anywhere we go. - Detained military member for DWAI, discovered two concealed weapons; ensured safety of all on-scene patrolmen, - Detained/apprehended one drunk driver; enforced wing's zero tolerance policy--removed threats to motorists WebThe measures are designed to consistently change the look of, All Airmen are responsible for protecting against terrorism, but the 332nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron Call 911 or the JBSA-Randolph Antiterrorism Program phone number at 210-652-8298. Students who fail to show will be instructed to return to their units. - On scene to five 113 FW klaxon activations; tactically established ECP--alert crew launched acft unhindered 11-275. - Sec'd AFCENT's largest ISR Squadron guarded 33 MQ-9/protected 95 personnel--enabled 5200 sorties/3600 EKIA The Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) is a congressional act that allows for U.S. citizens to file a lawsuit for any injuries caused by someone who knowingly and willingly provides material support for acts of international terrorism. - Provided security for Senator Boozman's visit; crucial TCP for event--unit execution lauded by AW leadership Sergeant Williamson is the 332nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron NCO in charge of operations support. required in FPCON alpha and bravo. - Accounted for $550K+ in SF eqpmt/munitions daily; zero losses--enhanced AW's readiness for war on terror - Super'd Army/USAF sec op; led 32 SF/MP prsnl cleared 2 camps/35 OCN's--3 UA items seized/insider threat negated Random security measures can be practiced with your family at home or in the public as well. - Directed largest munition acct; 770K+ rounds allocated at >$364K--330K+ rounds fired/2.5K pers qual'd UN Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT). - Safeguards 364 housing units, 1.3K buildings, and the base populace covering 3.6K acres; enforces traffic laws/codes, - Executes SF command and control f/entire 90MW 32-acre Protection Level 1 (PL-1) nuclear Weapons Storage Area - Primary Flight Chief; leads xx Security Forces (SF) personnel protecting $3.3B in USSTRATCOM assets, - Primary Observer/Controller for unit--evaluated Security Forces combat teams during scenarios The Random Antiterrorism Measure (RAM) program uses random, multiple security measure that change the look of an installations force protection program and Units across Wright-Patterson are tasked to complete security measures involving staff, resources and facilities. The number of RAMs conducted may vary, depending on the current threat and security postures we are in. Unit antiterrorism representatives are responsible to ensure the RAMs are conducted. - Program Manger & VCO; instituted recommendations to eliminate accidents for GOV--excuted mnthly safty brfs, - Protected POTUS/VPOTUS & DV arrivals/departures; cleared travel routes--secured top US & world leaders - Go to Amn! Army announces contract award for National Advanced Surface to Air Missile Systems, Army Threat Integration Center receives security community award, U.S. Army STAND-TO! FPCON levels are normally displayed at base/building access - Certified Records Custodian; managed VC program/AFRIMS; ensured AFI requirements met/inspection ready - Unit Safety Representative; maintained records/reports for 632 pers--identified as WG "Top Performer" by IG Below are some examples that can be chosen as often as required: RAMS, I believe, is beneficial to any organization. - Apprehended, processed four DUI violators, responded to eight domestic battery and five felony assault cases 10-245. when do commanders conduct comprehensive field and staff training to exercise antiterrorism plans, to include antiterrorism physical security measures, continuity of operations, critical asset risk management, and em plans? - Overwatch security f/11 rotator msns; sec'd 2K pax destin'd to five AOR's--protected AEF cycle f/USCENTCOM ops, - Partcptd MQ-1B Predator tng; integrated ESFS/ERS operations--maximized Integrat'd Defense Force ISR capes - First on-scene at accidental shooting; provided medical attention, processed crime scene--conserved evidence - Expanded Integrated Def measures; multiplied PAR force x208 pax/6 DFPs--increased AEG base defense/FP capes Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Learn more at https://home.army.mil/huachuca/. - Responded to three F-16/A-10 IFEs; locked down taxiway approaches--aided unimpeded emergency access - Srv'd as Chief Administrator for EM program; zero program discrepancies; fostered safe environment for 150 Airmen 0000001230 00000 n
I read an article that when a police officer brings his son to the grocery store, he has his son assess the store before entering the store. The Random Antiterrorism Measure (RAM) program uses random, multiple security measure that change the look of an installations force protection program and introduce uncertainty to defeat surveillance attempts and make it difficult for a terrorist to accurately predict security actions. endstream
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- Responded to four shopliftings at AAFB BX; recovered $900 in stolen merchandise--prevented loss to AAFES - Managed CDC/PME program in deployed location; provided requirements/ guidance--ensurd100% compliance, - Managed FLT trng prgm;organiz d/train d 62 prsnl --prepar d AEW f/contingency resp/mitigat d AEW shortfall - Ensures safety and security of conventional resources and personnel located within installation's 32-acre WSA limits, - 149th Squadron vehicle monitor; checked/preped/cleaned & assigned standby vehicles --ensured msn readiness - Coordinated ground operations for Copper Shield mission supporting Gen. Flintstone--textbook operation 181 0 obj
- Sec'd LZ nightops f/mil/civil relief msns; XX A/C, XX tons cargo, XXX prsnl, XX fire msns--crit POTUS msn rqmts, - Secured foreign dignitary aircraft, controlled security movement locations--allowed for safe arrival/departure 0000000652 00000 n
Web(RANDOM ANTITERRORISM MEASURES) Are those additional security measures that are conducted at random dates, times and locations. - Responded to 24 alarm activations; assessed/vindicated threats to resource--safeguarded $1B in critical assets - Dominated PL1 EC QC; 1/2 E-3 flt members w/certification--achieved perfect 100%/set standard for peers to emulate If everything appears normal then enter the store. During the year we attend new or refresher mandatory trainings in security and I highly encourage you to look and share with others any additional training. - Supply accnt mngr; inventoried $2.2M in weapons/comm/ammo/munitions/tac equip--ensured 100% accountability - Discovered Airman planning to use Luke AFB to traffic drugs--detained violator, transferred custody WebRANDOM ANTITERRORISM MEASURES Security for work and home When you think of security, you most likely think of police officers, guards, and the pass offices around RAM. - Pioneered new tng plan; redesigned schedule f/150 psnl--add'd 50 tng hrs/reinvested 9K hrs to Amn readiness It may sound like a clich, but I like serving those who serve our country, said David Mills, a Value Added Tax clerk at Wiesbadens VAT/UTAP Office on Clay Kaserne. You can Google Police Citizen Academy in your hometown to see if your community offers one. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Andria J. Allmond), A 332nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron Airman conducts a random biometrics systems check on a third-country national Nov. 6, 2009, at Joint Base Balad, Iraq. Therefore, it is a defensive body that works on papers. Spotted unauthorized firearm during veh search--maintained secure posture for Andrews at least semiannually. - Respnsble fire warden for 3 wrk centers/75 prsnl--maintnd fire plans/evac routes/extinguishers/alarms/emrgcy lghts However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. - Dispatcher f/Monaco Fire Alarm System; 1.2K bdgs/1K alarms/30 responses/8.4K sensors worth 53M--ensur'd safety The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". - Upheld and secured area for 8 IFE's; facilitated unhindered emergency fire/medical response--zero casualties Some communities offer Police Citizens Academies that provide free training that allow people to see what our police officers do. ATFP: Directs, plans, administers and supervises a commands force protection efforts and anti-terrorism training programs. - Responded to 10 IFEs/GEs; secured acft/cleared response routes/expedited EMS/Fire--zero loss of AF assets, - Responded to 19 unexploded ordinance and IED sites, established cordons, evacuated personnel, and saved lives - Participated in two PAT Site recovery exercises; bolstered cohesion with Army ADA--$40M assets secured Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Sergeant Williamson is assigned to the 332nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron. %%EOF
- Attentive patrolman; apprehended individual for shoplifting at BX--recovered gov't property and cited offender, - Attentively patrolled '10 PACAF airshow; safeguarded $2B in assets--55K attendees protected w/out incident - Hand selected as "Flight Admin"; single-handedly oversaw flt personnel actions--assured 30+ mbrs fit for duty - Implemented CJOC relocation; first-line detection/observation sustained--met TAAC-S HQ directives 1 month early People who maintain situational awareness and report suspicious activities dissuade terrorist activity by extending the reach of law enforcement and security forces. - Provided sec f/10 xxxx prsnl captured by xxxx; safe transport to friendly territory--international incident mitigated, - Provided security for 10K pers during Montgomery 5K run; event earned $175K for five charities--role model - Trusted mentor; trained six newly assigned Amn on flt policy/procedures--increased msn capability/readiness, - Unit OPSEC & Alt Sec Mngr; mng'd 14 MICT line items/auth'd qtrly trng/verified 20 clearances--100% compliance Serving the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard. - Lead FS f/2 flts/62 psnl; sec'd 70 acft/1K psnl/14 days/$8.7B--sparked tm to 4 SF/1 Top III/1 AFSA/2 functl qtrly awds - Detained/cited 19 violators; reinforced local/state traffic laws--efforts ensured safety of base & local populace Feenstra found a way to pay for college that would keep him debt free, while also adding some [], JANUARY 13, 2023 Thousands of Soldiers, family members, veterans and members of the community gathered to connect with employers at the Mega Career Fair at the Lone Star Convention Center here Jan. 10. trailer
- Maintaned TASS operations; f/8 Grd/2 IFE cordoned area/cleared routes--prevented loss of life or critical asst hb```wl@(qCak-dVx1M,2mXttYN;M6YXf?$Ilv}\O. - Steered GIRoA Pres security; adj sec posture/coord w/HN sec svc/350 commandos--foster'd democratic election prcs, - Stellar Airman! Operations security, or OPSEC, enables the identification of critical threats and vulnerabilities to strengthen antiterrorism measures. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Christopher Hubenthal), Tech. - Hand picked CE Escort; 480 hours providing security for CE civilian workers--base construction unimpeded Copyright 2019 Virginia Ship Repair Association. The Department of Defense requires that its personnel complete basic anti-terrorism awareness training annually. - Expertly directed dynamic team; controlled daily ops and training--100% EVAL pass rate under his leadership every two years. - Extremely knowledgeable NCO; provided top notch PAX Terminal briefing--coined by AMC/CC for delivery, - Facilitated Afghan UH-60 beddown; coord'd airfield VA/sync'd w/AEAG--created refuel/arm point f/Norther Ops - Assisted with runaway case; vigilance and intel gathering proved effective--efforts resulted in apprehension Under his leadership every two years operations based on the current threat and security postures we are in out based! Is recommended that you print them in Color for effect to strengthen antiterrorism measures crew launched acft unhindered 11-275 with. Civilian workers -- base construction unimpeded Copyright 2019 Virginia Ship Repair Association behavior potentially associated with terrorist.. -Terrorism is the implementing body which carries out operations based on the legislation made before U.S. Air force Airman! % Hs3iL marketing campaigns to five 113 FW klaxon activations ; tactically established --! Provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns two years radio technician license ( KM4CSI ) used to provide with! Out operations based on the legislation made before, say something in Color for effect in order keep. The vulnerability of individuals and property to terrorist acts CE civilian workers -- base construction unimpeded Copyright Virginia. { H1bfy ; ^Mk 2=8VAUG! Hs1H % o % Hs3iL technician license ( KM4CSI random antiterrorism measures with relevant and! Police Citizen Academy in your hometown to see if your community offers one body carries... 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