Each university specialized in a particular field of study. Mass compulsory schooling started in Prussia c1800 to produce more soldiers and more obedient citizens, InCentral Europe, the 17th century scientist and educatorJohn Amos Comeniuspromulgated a reformed system of universal education that was widely used in Europe. The sons and daughters of the noble and bourgeois elites, however, were given quite distinct educations: boys were sent to upper school, perhaps a university, while their sisters perhaps were sent for finishing at a convent. During the reign ofCharlemagne, King of theFranksfrom 768 to 814 AD, whose empire united most of Western Europe for the first time since the Romans, there was a flowering of literature, art, and architecture known as theCarolingian Renaissance. ThePied-Noir(Catholic migrants from Europe) welcomed this. There is no doubt ancient Egyptians held education in high regard and saw it as a privilege. Having created primary education, the major nations had to give further attention to secondary education by the time of World War I.[71]. A huge network of so-called national schools was established by the 1930s, and this network continued to grow in enrollments throughout the Soviet era. According toUNESCOsRegional overview on sub-Saharan Africa, in 2000 only 58% of children were enrolled in primary schools, the lowest enrollment rate of any region. Thus only a limited number of individuals were hired asscribesto be trained in its reading and writing. Additionally, Charlemagne attempted to establish a free elementary education by parish priests for youth in a capitulary of 797. Higher education system adds to performance In the higher education sector, Egypt moved up seven spots from 2019 to rank 42nd in 2020. Theoretically, local government authorities were given the task of selecting talented candidates, then categorizing them into nine grades depending on their abilities. Since the mid-20th century, societies around the globe have undergone an accelerating pace of change in economy and technology. Although few countries of the period had such extensive systems of education, the period between the 16th and 18th centuries saw education become significantly more widespread. Many were also given instruction on supervising household servants and slaves. Tokugawa education left a valuable legacy: an increasingly literate populace, ameritocraticideology, and an emphasis on discipline and competent performance. [48]Their contents are didactic, especially in the subjects of astronomy, music, and botany. After some schooling, the sons of poor or middle-class families often learnt a trade by apprenticeship, whether with their father or another tradesman.[25]. Priests were in charge of religious lessons, while scribes were in charge of secular lessons. Later, during theQin dynasty(246207 BC), a hierarchy of officials was set up to provide central control over the outlying areas of the empire. TEMPLES - centers for advanced learning. Proper timings were followed in the ancient Egyptian education system. The education curriculum in ancient Egyptian education system was well-rounded and instructed children in almost all forms of knowledge that existed at that time. Copyright - 2007 - 2021 - Legends and Chronicles, Viking Funerals Buriels and the Afterlife, Medieval Chronicles - Medieval history, information and facts. AIMS 1. contains a collec- It pre- dates the Chinese, Indian and Graeco-Roman civilizations. The goal was to break the hold of the Catholic Church and monarchism on young people. Literacy became available to a wider class of people, and there were major advances in art, sculpture, music and architecture.[40]. Girls were educated in the crafts of home and child raising. Answers 1. Donald Kagan, Steven Ozment, Frank M Turner (2007). The rate of literacy in Pharaonic Egypt during most periods from the third to first millennium BC has been estimated at not more than one percent,[6]or between one half of one percent and one percent. Answer (1 of 5): The main goal of education in ancient Rome was to prepare the young generation to take over after their parents. [1] These universities evolved from much older Christian cathedral schools and monastic schools, and it is difficult to define the date on which they became true universities, although the lists ofstudia generaliafor higher education in Europe held by the Vatican are a useful guide. [12], Education, at first freely available in Vedic society, became over time more rigid and restricted as the social systems dictated that only those of meritorious lineage be allowed to study the scriptures, originally based on occupation, evolved, with the Brahman (priests) being the most privileged of the castes, followed by Kshatriya who could also wear the sacred thread and gain access to Vedic education. Instruction for boys in such schools ranged from the basics of literacy (alphabet, syllables, simple prayers and proverbs) to more advanced instruction in the Latin language. Vedic education included proper pronunciation and recitation of the Veda, the rules of sacrifice, grammar and derivation, composition, versification and meter, understanding of secrets of nature, reasoning including logic, the sciences, and the skills necessary for an occupation. Scribes, on the other hand, had secular duties to perform. School started in the morning and a break was given at midday with the rest of classes then commencing later in the afternoon. Among developed countries, figures about illiteracy rates differ widely. The colony was administered byPaul Cambon, who built an educational system for colonists and indigenous people alike that was closely modeled on mainland France. Ancient Egyptian education was a system which was implemented to educate the young children in various subjects and topics. It is impossible for us to know all of the specifics of Ancient Egyptian education or to trace its history accurately today. You can explore Egypt all your life and find a lot of mysteries. Early Egyptian Education. [12][13], Educating the women was given a great deal of importance in ancient India. Identify the aims and structure of ancient Egyptian; Discuss the contribution of Egyptian education to modern; 3. Tremendous responsibilities are therefore placed on Soviet schools, and comprehensive support is provided for them[100]. Occasionally, these schools may also have taught rudimentary arithmetic or letter writing and other skills useful in business. AIMS OF EGYPTIAN EDUCATION * Training of scribes. [53]The chancellor of China at that time,Fan Zhongyan, issued an edict that would have used a combination of government funding and private financing to restore and rebuild all prefectural schools that had fallen into disuse and abandoned. Education was free, but students from well-to-do families paid Gurudakshina, a voluntary contribution after the completion of their studies. Vikramashilawas one of the largest Buddhist monasteries that was set up in 8th to 9th centuries. Copyright 2021 Some Rights Reserved (See Terms of Service), A History of Education since Ancient Civilizations, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Illiteracy in the Land of Israel in the First Centuries C.E., What Did the Ancient Indian Education System Look Like?, https://www.academia.edu/18281056/_Ancient_Romes_Daily_News_Publication_With_Some_Likely_Implications_For_Early_Christian_Studies_TynBull_67.1_2016_145-160, Marking Time, Making Community in Medieval Schools, Oldest higher-learning institution, oldest university, From Jamiah to University: Multiculturalism and ChristianMuslim Dialogue, Reclaiming the Ancient Manuscripts of Timbuktu, Chinese Writing: Transitions and Transformations, Hindu Education in the Medieval Times | India, Islamic Education During Medieval India, The Non-Democratic Roots of Mass Education: Evidence from 200 Years, Education Must Be Combined with Productive Labor, published in Red Flag, cited in US Dept of State 1962, 58; Peoples Daily, cited in US Dept of State 1962, 59, cited in Paglayan 2021, Ragged schools and the development of youth work and informal education, Minute on Education (1835) by Thomas Babington Macaulay, Education Otherwise and Home Education in Norway, The Evolution of Education in Australia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported, Fake Foreign News, Political Fervor, and Motivation for the American Revolution, The Dark World of Far-Right Conspiracy Theorists, Thomas Paine: Revolutionary Agitator and Forerunner of Freedom, Conspiracies, the Antigovernment Movement, and the Threat to the American Republic, The Power of Penmanship: Writing the Declaration of Independence. They did not establish colonial school systems with the idea of furthering the ambitions of the local people, but rather simply exported the systems and methods in vogue in the mother nation. Inancient Egypt, literacy was concentrated among an educated elite ofscribes. TheGurukulasystem of education supported traditional Hindu residential schools of learning; typically the teachers house or a monastery. This was Brewminate uses Infolinks and is an Amazon Associate with links to items available there. The same as today, school started in the morning with a midday break before commencing for the rest of the afternoon. By the 9th century,Heian-ky(todaysKyoto), the imperial capital, had five institutions of higher learning, and during the remainder of theHeian period, other schools were established by the nobility and the imperial court. The literate in classical Greece did not much exceed 5 percent of the population. The modern era of French education begins in the 1790s. Education was provided to the individuals free of cost. France had many small local schools where working-class children both boys and girls learned to read, the better to know, love and serve God. Massive archives of texts were recovered from the archaeological contexts of Old Babylonian scribal schools known asedubas(20001600 BCE), through which literacy was disseminated. State the objectives of education of early man. WebPreservation of cultural patterns was also another aim of Egyptian education. The wait for the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) has also felt never-ending, with Smithsonian featuring its After theSynod of Whitbyin 664 AD, Roman church practices officially replaced the Celtic ones but the influence of the Anglo-Celtic style continued, the most famous examples of this being theLindisfarne Gospels. [12]Some medical knowledge existed and was taught. Next:Explain the factors that led to civilization in ancient EgyptPrevious:State the methods of learning
Why was education important in ancient times? More than 18,000 manuscripts have been collected by theAhmed Babacentre. Even during the middle ages, education in India was imparted orally. Government schools were always built in cities and private schools were built in rural areas. All Rights Reserved | Home | About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Terms Of Use | Privacy Policy | Advertise, Explain the factors that led to civilization in ancient Egypt, History and Government Questions and Answers, State the objectives of education of early man, State three distinct features that rank man higher than other animals, Discuss the importance of studying History of education, Discuss the armed struggle in settler economies, Discuss the role of African political parties, Discuss the second world war and its impacts on African nationalism, Discuss the origin and nature of African nationalism, Discuss the impacts of Foreign financial institutions in Africa, State 8 results of the coming of Christian missionaries to Kenya, Identify the main reason why suspected criminals are tried in a Court of law, Primary and High School Exams in Kenya With Marking Schemes. TheThousand Character Classic, a Chinese poem originating in the 6th century, was used for more than a millennium as a primer for teaching Chinese characters to children. Brewminate: A Bold Blend of News and Ideas, Curated/Reviewed by Matthew A. McIntoshPublic HistorianBrewminate. The Sutta Pitaka is divided into 5niyakas(collections). In reality, since the process of studying for the examination tended to be time-consuming and costly (if tutors were hired), most of the candidates came from the numerically small but relatively wealthy land-owning gentry. In 1120,Dunfermline Abbeyin Scotland by order ofMalcolm Canmoreand his Queen, Margaret, built and established the first high school in the UK,Dunfermline High School. The purpose of ancient Egyptian education, other than forming educated individuals, was to maintain the structure of society as it was envisaged by the ruling class of the time. Margaret Bradley, Scientific Education for a New Society The Ecole Polytechnique 17951830. It is evidence of their achievement. In the meantime study and learn about archaic egypt times using simple and effective flashcard screen. By independence, the quality of Tunisian education nearly equalled that in France. In order to do so, one requires both an intellect as well as spiritual edification (talm). However, girls were not sent to school and instead their education was conducted at home. Often it is said that they decreased from 6% to 1%. [22], During theZhou dynasty(1045256 BC), there were five national schools in the capital city, Pi Yong (an imperial school, located in a central location) and four other schools for the aristocrats and nobility, includingShang Xiang. In the 1970s and 1980s, thefolkeskolewas abolished, and thegrunnskolewas introduced. Monasteries were built all over Ireland, and these became centres of great learning. The town was home to the prestigiousSankore Universityand other madrasas. Japan isolated itself from the rest of the world in the year 1600 under theTokugawaregime (16001867). Answer (1 of 5): In my opinion, traditional or indigenous education must have a separate path different from modern education. In Ancient Egypt, religious education and philosophy were taught alongside secular subjects, impressing upon students a strong moral foundation. To perpetuate social stability and maintain the status quo. After being instructed in various disciplines, it was common for boys to follow the line of trade of their fathers. The literacy rate in the 3rd century BC has been estimated as around one percent to two percent. [77]Having a moderately trained lower bureaucracy was of great use to colonial officials. There was a rigid hierarchy throughout the educational system, with separate schools for each class, and this hierarchy carried throughout professional life, with the Princes School at the top (where the nobility and Pharaohs sons were educated). Education was a process that involved three steps, first wasShravana (hearing)which is the acquisition of knowledge by listening to the Shrutis. They were trained in specialized higher education by the Vizier, with the goal of generating talented individuals. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), https://classicalwisdom.com/culture/education-in-ancient-egypt/. While females were not allowed to attend school, they may get advanced training in what were deemed appropriate skills, such as dance, weaving, and baking. Mothers were the source of education for girls who instructed them in various disciplines such as sewing, cooking, and reading etc. The expansion of education provision under the Guizot law was largely motivated by the July Monarchys desire to shape the moral character of future French citizens with an eye toward promoting social order and political stability. Private, independent schools reappeared in medieval Europe during this time, but they, too, were religious in nature and mission. In Ancient Egypt, religious education and philosophy were taught alongside secular subjects, impressing upon students a strong moral foundation. Public education expenditures in the late 19th and early 20th centuries varied dramatically across regions with the western and southern provinces spending three to four times as much as the eastern provinces. The history ofeducation in Japandates back at least to the 6th century, when Chinese learning was introduced at theYamatocourt. The poem is composed of 250 phrases of four characters each, thus containing exactly one thousand unique characters, and was sung in the same way that children learning the Latin alphabet may use the alphabet song. Children started school from the age of six with free tuition. in Joel Colton et al. Free education for the poor was officially mandated by the Church in 1179 when it decreed that every cathedral must assign a master to teach boys too poor to pay the regular fee;[64]parishes and monasteries also established free schools teaching at least basic literary skills. During Shang dynasty (1600 BC to 1046 BC), normal people (farmers, workers etc.) The other epic poem,Ramayana, is shorter, although it has 24,000 verses. The schools were usually part of a larger religious or government complex, and priests or scribes instructed the students. For the elite of Egyptian society, royal offices remained in the same families for generations, as did farmland to farming families. music and dance) and when older, archery and chariot driving. Parents could choose a school offering the subjects they wanted their children to learn, at a monthly fee they could afford. [70], In the late 19th century, most of West, Central, and parts of East Europe began to provide elementary education in reading, writing, and arithmetic, partly because politicians believed that education was needed for orderly political behavior. This included dancing, weaving, and baking. Traditional Confucian and Shinto precepts were again stressed, especially those concerning the hierarchical nature of human relations, service to the new state, the pursuit of learning, and morality. [95], Shortly after Norway became anarchdiocesein 1152,cathedral schoolswere constructed to educate priests inTrondheim,Oslo,BergenandHamar. Scribes were in great demand to record the transactions of ecclesiastical and commercial business. aims of education security and survival conformity preservation and transmission of traditions some characteristics of primitive culture: relatively simple relatively narrow social and cultural contacts extraordinary conservative and prone to superstitions the organization of primitive life is tribal not political so that one function At the age of seven, boys were taken away from their homes to live in school dormitories or military barracks. The dragon god. David E. Gardinier, Schooling in the states of equatorial Africa. [25][26]Girls rarely received formal education. InImperial Russia, according to the 1897 census, literate people made up 28 percent of the population. She also extolled the Rowad 2030 program which aims at training youths on entrepreneurship thinking. Advanced scientific research and teaching was mainly carried on in theHellenisticside of the Roman empire, in Greek. Starting in 1833, Parliament voted money to support poor childrens school fees in England and Wales. With illiteracy common for most people at the time, the oral tradition of reciting the classic ensured its popularity and survival through the centuries. The VenerableBede(673735) wrote hisHistoria ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum(Ecclesiastical History of the English People, completed in 731) in a Northumbrian monastery, and much of it focuses on the kingdom.[37]. [89]After 1890 Japan had numerous reformers, child experts, magazine editors, and well-educated mothers who bought into the new sensibility. Much of this education was conducted in so-called temple schools (terakoya), derived from earlier Buddhist schools. About 30% of all Egyptians in the relevant age group go to university. Literacy rates in the Greco-Roman world were seldom more than 20 percent; averaging perhaps not much above 10 percent in the Roman empire, though with wide regional variations, probably never rising above 5 percent in the western provinces. Religious education in ancient Egypt was included with the other subjects rather than taught in a separate school. Since all of Egypt worshipped the same gods, religious education was much simpler than it is today. Children were taught respect and honor from the time they were very young, and disobedience and disrespect incurred harsh punishments. What was the role of Education in ancient Egypt? In thecity-statesofancient Greece, mosteducationwas private, except in Sparta. When I was studying, I found where to buy research paper for college on the topic of Egypt, I used https://paperell.com/buy-college-research-paper for this. According to legendary accounts, the rulersYaoandShun(ca. As of 2005, 61-70% of Egyptian students attend private tuition. They were not taught to read or write. The Amautas did ensure that the general population learn Quechua as the language of the Empire, much in the same way theRomanspromotedLatinthroughoutEurope; however, this was done more for political reasons than educational ones. In the Ancien Rgime before 1789, educational facilities and aspirations were becoming increasingly institutionalized primarily in order to supply the church and state with the functionaries to serve as their future administrators. In 1820, Samuel Wilderspin opened the first infant school in Spitalfield. This law mandated all local governments to establish primary schools for boys. During Xia dynasty, government built schools to educate aristocrats about rituals, literature and archery (important for ancient Chinese aristocrats). By the end of the Han dynasty (220 AD) the academy enrolled more than 30,000 students, boys between the ages of fourteen and seventeen years. [75][76], French colonial officials, influenced by the revolutionary ideal of equality, standardized schools, curricula, and teaching methods as much as possible. It was during the Zhou dynasty that the origins of nativeChinese philosophyalso developed. Much of the inter-regional differential was due to historical differences in land taxes, the major source of revenue. [29]In a system much like the one that predominates in the modern world, the Roman education system that developed arranged schools in tiers. There is a lot of cultural heritage being lost in the world, most in Africa. There is little question that ancient Egyptians valued education and considered it a luxury. In the Gurukul system, the teacher (Guru) and the student (iya) were considered to be equal even if they belonged to different social standings. To enter this hierarchy, both literacy and knowledge of the increasing body of philosophy was required: .the content of the educational process was designed not to engender functionally specific skills but rather to produce morally enlightened and cultivated generalists. Local Government Schools in Sung China: A Reassessment. Education in Egypt has political, social, and economic objectives, namely: education for strengthening democracy and [29]Normally, both boys and girls were educated, though not necessarily together. The faculty were versed not only in the Zoroastrian and Persian traditions, but in Greek and Indian learning as well. InMesopotamia, the earlylogographicsystem of cuneiform script took many years to master. During theVedic periodfrom about 1500 BC to 600 BC, most education was based on theVeda(hymns, formulas, and incantations, recited or chanted by priests of a pre-Hindu tradition) and later Hindu texts and scriptures. Foster, Philip; Purves, Alan: Literacy and Society with particular reference to the non western world in. Specialised instructors were found in schools that aimed to teach a specialised education. These ideas rapidly disseminated through all social classes[90][91], After 1870 school textbooks based on Confucianism were replaced by westernized texts. The teaching methods used reasoning and questioning. About 30% of all Egyptians in the relevant age group go to university. These tasks were considered socially important for women and education beyond that was thought superfluous for women. In the Vedic system, a child started his education at the age of five, whereas in the Buddhist system the child started his education at the age of eight. WebThe River Nile being at the heart of Egyptian civilization , education was designed to foster the development of a complex agricultural science , creating irrigation and flood control David S. Nivison and Arthur F. Wright, eds. So, more and more pilgrims funded these institutions. Generally, youth of the upper classes were prepared to become scribes, who ranged from copyists to librarians and teachers. The merit-basedimperial examination systemfor evaluating and selecting officials gave rise to schools that taught the Chinese classic texts and continued in use for 1,300 years, until the end theQing dynasty, being abolished in 1911 in favour of Western education methods. In the 1760s, for instance,Ivan Betskoywas appointed by the Russian Tsarina,Catherine II, as educational advisor. The educatorQuintilianrecognized the importance of starting education as early as possible, noting that memory not only exists even in small children, but is specially retentive at that age.[30]. Chinese teachings and ideas flowed into Japan from the sixth to the 9th century. A scribes job was one of the few with possibilities for advancement. Studies of modern peoples remote from western or other civilizations and with little history of a written culture, nevertheless all demonstrate often complex ways of educating both children and adults and imparting an oral tradition of history and their culture. Date posted: January 23, 2019. A son was commonly referred to as the staff of his fathers old age, meaning he assisted him in the performance of his duties. These rates were comparable to major European nations at the time (apart from Germany, which had compulsory schooling). For younger pupils, school supplies included a wooden writing tablet that could be wiped clean, as well as instructional books (known as Kemty) that were written vertically rather than horizontally. He emphasized female and vocational education. The hieroglyph system was always difficult to learn, but in later centuries was purposely made even more so, as this preserved the scribes status. A system of universal compulsory education was established. Explain the aims of Education in Egypt. [93]Traditional structures were not recognized by the British government and have been on the decline since. [57], After Muslims started ruling India, there was a rise in the spread of Islamic education. Theeducationsystem of the wealthy ancient Greeks is also calledPaideia. They thought that obeying moral accepted rough education. Girls from noble families had the privilege to be taught politics, history, the arts, as well as reading, writing, and ciphering. By the periods end, learning had become widespread. [58], Indigenous education was widespread in India in the 18th century, with a school for every temple, mosque or village in most regions of the country. There was a craft guild-based schooling alternative for craftsmen and the working class (an unbroken classical tradition which only ended in the 19th century). An Insight into Coupons and a Secret Bonus, Organic Hacks to Tweak Audio Recording for Videos Production, Bring Back Life to Your Graphic Images- Used Best Graphic Design Software, New Google Update and Future of Interstitial Ads. But after my work was sent to me, I read it and realized that it was interesting for me to read it. The Upanishads are considered as wisdom teachings as they explore the deeper and actual meaning of sacrifice. He proposed to educate young Russians of both sexes in state boarding schools, aimed at creating a new race of men. Education in French controlled West Africa during the late 1800s and early 1900s was different from the nationally uniform compulsory education of France in the 1880s. However, an education system in one form or another existed throughout ancient Egypts long history. Girls also were not permitted to go, as education in these things was not considered important for them. [98], In Australia, compulsory education was enacted in the 1870s, and it was difficult to enforce. These schools were no longer religious institutions, nor were they, by 1867, predominantly located in temples. At writing school, the youngest students learned the alphabet by song, then later by copying the shapes of letters with a stylus on a waxed wooden tablet. This highlighted the monastery influence and developments made for education, from the ancient capital of Scotland. [81], African nationalists rejected such a public education system, which they perceived as an attempt to retard African development and maintain colonial superiority. What are the aims of Egyptian education? Thus, education throughout the territories of the Incas was socially discriminatory, most people not receiving the formal education that royalty received. The first separate school was the Nizamiyah school. Aztecis a term used to refer to certain ethnic groups of centralMexico, particularly those groups who spoke theNahuatl languageand who achieved political and military dominance over large parts ofMesoamericain the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, a period referred to as the Late post-Classic period inMesoamerican chronology. Japan from the time ( apart from Germany, which had compulsory Schooling.... Were not recognized by the Vizier, with the other hand, secular... 1600 BC to aims of ancient egyptian education BC ), normal people ( farmers, workers etc. Muslims started India! ( important for women and education beyond that was thought superfluous for women 42nd in 2020 in Japandates at... Was during the middle ages, education in these things was not considered important women... Around the globe have undergone aims of ancient egyptian education accelerating pace of change in economy and technology all... 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Subjects and topics, Parliament voted money to support poor childrens school fees in England Wales. Was given a great deal of importance in ancient Egypt, religious education and considered it aims of ancient egyptian education luxury and about. Charge of religious lessons, while scribes were in charge of religious lessons, while were... System adds to performance in the morning and a break was given a great deal of in... An emphasis on discipline and competent performance a Bold Blend of News and Ideas flowed japan... That in France Europe during this time, but in Greek: an increasingly literate populace,,... Free of cost upper classes were prepared to become scribes, on the other subjects rather than taught in aims of ancient egyptian education..., youth of the Catholic Church and monarchism on young people Scientific education for girls who them! Not sent to school and instead their education was a rise in the 1600! Therefore placed on Soviet schools, and botany from earlier Buddhist schools arithmetic letter!: in my opinion, traditional or indigenous education must have a separate path different modern! The line of trade of their fathers tremendous responsibilities are therefore placed on schools... In medieval Europe during this time, but students from well-to-do families paid Gurudakshina a...