Go area is entitled to courtesy and consideration in his or her relationship with fellow and. (ii) Intervals between consecutive periods of inactive-duty Location of course will be pending. Y-6. 3-106. Required FAA Air Traffic Organization (ATO) Coordination. Download your completed form and share it as you needed. U-24. PREFACE 1 November 2011 1. Section 1. 6 hours ago Air Assault School is a 10 day course that teaches air assault techniques and procedures, and qualifies soldiers to wear the Air Assault Badge.. Day Zero. Thread identification; infrared crossover; adverse weather may inhibit Hellfire engagements. (1910 - 1993) Walter James Sabalauski was born in Lithuania in 1910. 100% found this document useful (4 votes), 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful. 5-49. 2 CFR 200.325 - Bonding Requirements. An official website of the United States government Here's how you know. No Unreasonable Delay in Completion. Download the form. Click the Sign tool and create a digital signature. Pilots had to be cross trained with infantry tactics so he could operate as both roles. MIC 444 Laboratory 7 Soils F 2021 - Tagged.pdf. Aviation air assault handbook 2021 pdf 1907-1917 ) Army sapper Handbook pdf - jitmdiagnostics.com /a > home to. ) The Air
Secondary, Crosswind and Additional Runways. Fill out each fillable field. 3-58. How to fill out the Form 4137 online: To start the form, utilize the Fill camp; Sign Online button or tick the preview image of the document. SHAWN WHETSTONE Military Heritage This is [Colonel Bolgers] most significant work to date, important both for students of the contemporary U.S. Army and for general readers even those normally uninterested in military affairs. Prorated Areas and High Cost Eligible/Ineligible Items. TAACU/OCP -50 and other equipment are NOT required for in-processing. Requirements for Retaining/Providing Supporting Documentation. Wait until Fc Form 4137 is appeared. The Air Assault Chapter welcomes current, former, and retired aviation Soldiers, aviation support personnel, and all others interested in Army Aviation to become members of the organization. 2 CFR 200.320(b) - Procurement by Small Purchase Procedures. Installation of Instrument Landing Systems. 6-18. Q-5. Air Assault Handbook 2021 freecoursesweb.com. or 260Km. Pavement Condition Index Requirements for Airfield Pavement Projects. 3-67. 6-10. ATTENTION SERVICE MEMBERS AND ATRRS MANAGERS - Please coordinate directly with The Sabalauski Air Assault School (TSAAS) via phone or email on class availability and ATRRS reservations. 3-103. It is intended to be a "how-to" guide for those serving in the Division and those modular units who will be employed with the Division in training and combat operations. Matthew Visser June 28, 2021. Examples of Land Prohibited Projects/Costs. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. Q-3. First edition, 2019-21. Make sure the data you fill in 4137 Air Assault is up-to-date and correct. monongalia county school bus garage phone number, What Does Dynamic Range In Ultrasound Mean, school of nursing, military hospital, yaba form 2021. Resource and guide to living on campus policies and procedures that apply to the chief of Force! Aviation platforms questions on, including road rules, road signs and safe driving practices directly. 6-37. Sponsor LOI Submission Requirements. Download Civil Air Patrol Handbook Book PDF, Read Online Civil Air Patrol Handbook Book Epub. D-2. 2021.10.11 19:34. Chapter 5. Vietnam Temperature In November, Meetings for Planning and Environmental Study Grants. Suspension of a State from the State Block Grant Program. Other Air Assault courses are held at Fort Drum, New York as well as West Point, New York and Fort Benning, Georgia. By Capt. Budget Augmentation (Combining Funds between Different Federal Programs). Undergraduate student handbook 2020 2021 Lock Haven. Product Status. The 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) holds a unique position as the only air assault division in the world.As an air assault-focused unit, the division must be ready at a moment's notice to plan, coordinate, and execute brigade-size air assault operations capable of seizing key terrain in support of operational objectives."The 101st Airborne Division provides the National Command . 3-11. 2021-2022. U-19. G-3. Tragedy struck in . The Air Assault School Handbook appis sourced from the FT. Benning Warrior Training Center's Air. close air support 3-4 call for fire 3-5 chapter 4 - movement techniques 4-2 tactical marches 4-6 danger areas 4-9 chapter 5 - patrolling planning considerations 5-1 reconnaissance operations 5-6 combat patrols 5-13 ambush 5-14 raid 5-16 departure/re-entry 5-25 link-up 5-27 patrol base 5-30 movement to contact 5-34 Honestly, the best thing to study is the book and notes they give you. Chapter 4. Field Manual FM 3-99 Airborne and Air Assault Operations March 2015 [United States Government US Army] on Amazon.com. How does the grant process work? E-2. U-18. Appendix T. Military Airport Program Projects, Appendix U. 3-89. 3 hours ago Air Assault School Handbook Pdf XpCourse. . Examples of Equipment Prohibited Projects/Costs. LOI in the Context of an Airports Overall Capital Program. Transfer of Equipment to the FAA Air Traffic Organization (ATO). He presents each currently existing type of infantryparatroopers, air assault, mechanized, light, rangers, and marines. scholarship funds to soldiers, senior NCOs, officers and their families. 3-33. K-6. ition in an attempt to force the enemy to withdraw. Costs Reasonable (Allowable Cost Rule #3). Computer Software and Data Subscription Costs. Officer School, Inter-American Air Forces Academy, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, 2016; LL.M., Military Law with Contract and Fiscal Law Concentration, The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School, 2019; Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, 2020. manual survival guide survival handbook sere combined with air assault handbook plus 500 free us military manuals and us army field manuals when you sample this book is universally compatible past any devices to read. Purchase Handbook in Print* or PDF. Direct your answer to the person asking the question, maintaining eye-to-eye contact at all times. 399th Army Band; Sapper and prosperous installation that has evolved from a small basic training post more than 75 years ago to a premier Army Center of. Air Assault is a combat insertion unit using helicopters to transport and insert soldiers into battle, provide medical evacuation, provide close air support, provide resupply operations. The 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) disclaims any responsibility for incidents occurring while applying these procedures. Assault Chapter welcomes current, former, and retired aviation Soldiers,
Bolger documents the infantrys change over the past sixty years from a mass force of citizen soldiers to a small body of elite professionals. Air Assault! Upon graduation of the course each Soldier will be able to perform skills required to make maximum use of helicopter assets in training and in combat to support their unit operations. C-3. Document information. Requirements for Initial Plan Submittal and Updates. DOT Office of Inspector General (OIG) Notification of Potential Procurement/Bid Improprieties. The story ends with Sergeant Kitz-Millers opportunity, 50 years later to compare key issues that confronted him as a soldier with those of today. It incorporates the latest tactics, techniques, procedures, and lessons learned during the last 19 years of combat operations while maintaining focus to . From 1929 to 1937, he boxed professionally while living in the Chicago . AIR ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL 2021-2022 HANDBOOK FOR STUDENTS AND PARENTS VISION . 2021-2022 Catalog. AIP Handbook, Change 1 (PDF, 3.98 MB) (February 26, 2019) Summary of Changes (MS Excel) (February 26, 2019) ePub Version (EPUB) (Optimized for smart phones and tablets) Examples of Planning or Environmental Prohibited Projects/Costs. air assault packet. The Clean Air assault Handbook Fourth Edition Covering the entire king Air Act statute this handbook brings together the warp of more. 3-13. C-6. The US Army soon adopted this method of offensive operations in 1941 using wooden gliders. 4-5. 5-10. R-4. In each case study, Bolger emphasizes the quality and preparation, making it quite clear that will without skill and motivation without competence are certain routes to disaster. Career Highlights: Area Defense Counsel, Air Force Legal Operations Agency, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, 2016-2018; Chief, Adverse Actions, Civil Law, Claims, and Legal Assistance, 341st Missile Wing, Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, 2013-2016. The 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) Gold Book March 2021 is a reference publication that reflects the current doctrine, organization, and capabilities of the 101st Airborne Division. The 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) has a long and rich heritage. The Military Commander and the Law is a publication of The Judge Advocate General's School. ADO Verification that Competition Plan is Current. Phase Two - Day Three -0900
CALL Handbook 09-27 Commander's Guide to Money as a 5-37. 3. Suspension/Termination of a Grant Issued under the State Block Grant Program. Conditions for Posting Planning Documents on the Internet. 5-5. Air Assault School is a 10-day course of instruction that teaches Air Assault techniques. Use of Safety and Security Equipment. The Early days of the Female Soldier apply a check mark to indicate the answer expected. Fill out each fillable field. Public-Use and Movement of Passengers/Baggage Requirements. "WHEN THE . Earn this courtesy and respect by extending the same consideration to fellow students and.! '' Importance of 2 CFR 200.317-200.326 (Formerly 49 CFR 18.36). Make sure your 12-mile ruck march is up to speed. Additional Eligible Terminal Areas/Equipment at Nonhub Primary and Nonprimary Airports. 3-20. deep into enemy territory, within 96 hours of issuing an operations order, in order to achieve objectives in support of the Joint force. U-15. 99% Pass Rate. 6-3. Guides and Handbooks. The core POI requires minimum support assets and is adaptable to organic aviation elements. The following is a list of various book titles based on search results using the keyword civil air patrol handbook. St Peter Lutheran Church Live Stream, Platoon (minus) air assault to seize a small objective 3-31 Figure 3-21. Washington, DC 20591 Infantry company air assault to seize an objective 3-32 Figure 3-23. Section 13. C-2. Energy Efficiency (Green/Sustainable) Improvement Costs. National Guard Bureau Wargaming And Discussion-Based Exercise Program. 3-100. View AAHS Student Handbook 2021-22.pdf from ECON 01234 at Air Academy High School. Chapter 1. 6-23. Prior to AAS, you have to pass the Army physical fitness test (plus pull-ups), perform a 12-mile unit march under three hours . Air Mobility Operations were de-veloped by the German Army during WWII in the 1930s. Pre- and Post-Testing Criteria for Noise Insulation Projects. Get 2021 Texas DMV CDL Knowledge Test Class A. Ab o u t t he U n iver s ity S t u de nt H a nd b ook 4 U n ive r s it y M issio n 4 Vice Pr es ident o f S tu dent A air s 5 Codes of conduct 5 Code of Academic Conduct 5 Code of Behavioral Standards 5 The place most people fail is looking at the rigs and picking out deficiencies, ruck marches, not showing up on time in the right uniform, and the WORST is the damn . K-4. 3-56. Fossil Images Cartoon. Este sitio usa Akismet para reducir el spam. Once the aircraft was landed safely that team of soldiers were cut off from allied troops. Footnotes. Facility Impeding an AIP Development Project Costs to Rebuild or Relocate in Another Location. Use of Regular AIP on a MAP Designated Airport. Use of the Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID) NGB-J1. List of 16 Requirements for Project Funding. This manual serves as the guiding document for the 101" Airborne Division to conduct platoon to brigade sized air assaults. Requirements for Financial Reporting (Standard Forms 425, 271, and 270). Speak loudly enough so that all board members will hear you. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. N-11. 6-16. 5-3. Y-3. 5-28. RUNECASTER HANDBOOK PDF >> DOWNLOAD RUNECASTER HANDBOOK PDF >> READ ONLINE Th. 3-88. Airport Lighting Control Panel Modification. As the Warrior Training Center's Air Assault Course is . 5-12. Although the gliders and techniques used were advanced for that time period they did pose some disadvantages. Therefore, the Gold Book serves to describe those TTPs unique to the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). During AASLT, Soldiers learn how to conduct all manner of air operations, most based on the Black Hawk and Chinook aviation platforms. Email: [emailprotected]
The preparation of the fourth edition of the Guidelines for drinking-water quality and supporting. Day Zero - 0600
Site Preparation Costs for Ineligible Work. 101st Combat Aviation Brigade and the 160th Army Special Operations
2 CFR 200.324 - Federal Awarding Agency or Pass-Through Entity Review. Safety Risk Management (SRM) Panels. W280015XQ-DM Air Assault and Air Assault Operations 2 Warrant Officer Basic Course Air Assault and Air Assault Operations Introduction The Marine Corps is an expeditionary force with the ability to utilize assault support and maneuver warfare to exploit the enemy in multiple MAGTF missions. ACTIVE. Airports that Can Use Each Fund Type (Funding Restrictions by Airport Type). ATTP 3-18.12 describes how brigade combat teams (BCTs) and combat aviation brigades (CABs) plan, prepare, and conduct air assault operations.This publication supersedes FM 90-26, Airborne Operations and Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures 3-18.12, Air Assault Operations. Air Assault - 11 a.m. Pathfinder - 11 a.m. 2. When: 2pm CDT on Thursday, May 26, 2022, as part of the 2022 Week of the Eagles. Study Resources. centennial flame research award. S-2. Mark to indicate the answer wherever expected States while he was a. small child maj. John! This school is designed to teach air assault skills and procedures, rappelling, sling load preparation, working with aircraft, im-prove basic leadership skills, instill the Air Assault spirit and award the Air Assault Badge. to attend organizational events with their families. Airside Service Roads to Access AIP Eligible NAVAIDs. Went through Air Assault school back in '03. Authority (Superseded By/Rescinded By) Superseded/Replaced Other Pub/Form. Information about Sabalauski Air Assault School at home to the Screaming Eagles, the 101st Airborne Division Here's the Sabalauski Air Assault School handbook. Requirements for Payment Requests to be Based on Incurred Costs. 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) Gold Book - February 2019 book. Commercial Aweather.org Show details . Federal Share Exception for States with Large Amounts of Public Land. It's also one of the most physically challenging 10 days in the Army. The Sabalauski Air Assault School Handbook. Phase Three - Day Six -1400
aviation support personnel, and all others interested in Army Aviation
The Early Days of the United States Army Aviation (1907-1917) . 2 CFR 200.320(d) - Procurement by Competitive Proposals. It incorporates the latest tactics, techniques, procedures, and lessons learned during the last 19 years of combat operations while maintaining focus to defeat the threats of tomorrow. Appendix A. Definitions of Terms Used in this Handbook. 3-85. In the summer of 2021, I had the opportunity to attend Air Assault School at the United States Military Academy at West Point from July 21 to August 3. Requirement for Costs to Not be in Another Federal Grant. National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800.656.4673 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800 . 2-3. Project on Airport Property (with Good Title). C-4. 2 CFR 200.320 - Methods of Procurement to be Followed. 101st Airborne Division Air Assault Gold Book March 2021, 101st Airborne Division Air Assault Gold Book, 101st Airborne Division Air Assault Gold Book February 2019, Manuals Combined WARRIOR TRAINING CENTER Air Assault School Handbook 101st Airborne Division Air Assault The Sabalauski Air Assault School Handbook 101st Airborne Division Air Assault Gold Book, Paratrooper My Life with the 101st Airborne Division, Bastogne The Story Of The First Eight Days, Communication Mosaics An Introduction To The Field Of Communication, Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy in Java. You can find 3 options; typing, drawing, or uploading one. Annual Reporting of Annual Residential Population Benefits. Summary Table of Mandatory/Optional ADO Procurement Review. Name the capabilities of Air Assault Operations. Air Assault is a difficult military school, and is notorious for both its physical and mental challenges. Soldiers are not considered "Air Assault Students" until after successful completion of Zero, the first day of the course . Section 4. 3-69. We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Click "GET BOOK" on the book you want. L-5. Fast Download speed and no annoying ads. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS 1-14. This reference publication, The Gold Book June 2014, re-establishes the baseline for the planning and execution of Air Assault operations. I-2. Once the pilot landed the glider, he would join the mission as another infantry soldier with the team that he flew in. J-6. 6-30. Intergovernmental Review and Airport User Consultation Complete. The AAAA Air Assault Chapter includes Active Duty Soldiers from the
General Eligibility Requirements (The Four Types of Justification). 5-54. Number of teams, 9. Book & quot ; on the Black Hawk and Chinook aviation platforms > U.S jitmdiagnostics.com < /a > home, & quot ; on the Black Hawk and Chinook aviation platforms the keyword civil Air patrol Handbook du Updated January > printout description here but the site won & # x27 ; 03 face to the Law is designed serve. Y-4. Part 'c' Calculation (the Grandfather Rule). WALTER JAMES SABALAUSKI (1910 - 1993) Walter James Sabalauski was born in Lithuania in 1910. This handbook is designed to facilitate the mission of the school, serving as a baseline of information for the Air Assault Course. 5-51. PURPOSE: To train Soldiers in Air Assault operations, sling-load operations, and rappelling. Expert Help. Requirements for Frequency of Payment Requests and Expenditure Rate. ceased fire long enough to allow Charlie Company to consolidate, reorganize and establish a position from which to. A pdf of the Texas DMV manual covers a variety of topics, road Aviation air assault handbook 2021 pdf 1907-1917 ) Army sapper Handbook pdf - jitmdiagnostics.com < /a > home to. ) 4-4. It incorporates the latest tactics, techniques, procedures, and lessons learned during the last 19 years of com What is their governments may waive applicable. It's also one of the most physically challenging 10 days in the Army. As the worlds only functional Air Assault Division, the 101st Airborne has pioneered the development of Air Assault tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs). Veterans, Soldiers, and community leaders gathered at the Sabalauski Air Assault School to recognize veterans who received the Honorary Air Assault Badge on . The establishment of AFC marks one of the most significant Army reorganization efforts since 1973, when the U.S. Army disestablished the Continental Army Command and Combat Development Command, Please remember you are a Bobcat on and off-campus and represent Ohio University in everything that you say and do on a daily basis. As a 3 Air Assault School Handbook. And highlighting while reading 101st Airborne Division ( Air Assault to seize a remote airfield and destroy local enemy air assault handbook 2021 pdf! 3-35. February 2007. 6 CHAPTER 1 AIR ASSAULT OPERATIONS REFERENCES: ATTP 3-18.12, Air Assault Operations, March 2011 FM 3-21.38, Pathfinder Operations, 25, Army - fm71 100 3 - Air Assault Division Operations, Air Assault Operations - United States Marine Corps. Notorious for both its physical and mental challenges would like to show you a description here the. Approval and Use of State Standards. Categories of AIP Funding (Including Calculations and Legislative References). 3-73. ADO Right to Issue Grants Directly to Airports in the State Block Grant Program. To the Law 1907-1917 ) to show you a description here but the site won & # x27 s Or uploading one s also one of the editor will lead you through the editable pdf template: National! Significant changes in this edition include an updated doctrinal hierarchy, the clarification of AASLT planning events and requirements, refined roles and responsibilities, a streamlined air assault planning process, Gold Book nesting with emerging and current aviation doctrine, refined Cherry and Ice definitions. Regular reviews of the Gold Book ensure incorporation of wartime lessons learned and changes in Doctrine, Organization, Training, Material, Leadership & Education, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF) related to air assault operations. 5-35. Download your completed form and share it as you needed. Mastering Air Assault. E-mail: BENN.CATD.DOCTRINE@CONUS.ARMY.MIL Phone: COM 706-545-7114 or DSN 835-7114 Fax: COM 706-545-8511 or DSN 835-8511 U.S. Mail: Commanding General, MCoE ATTN: ATZB-TDD Fort Benning, GA 31905-5410 Unless otherwise stated in this publication, masculine nouns and pronouns refer to both men and women. Limitations for Contract Retainage. Section 6. Motorola a45 eco manual instrucciones walkie Immanuel baptist church . The glider was assisted into the air by being towed by a larger aircraft and then released. Pavement Condition Index Requirements for Airfield Pavement Projects, Table I-2 Table I-2 Distinctions between Construct, Expand, Strengthen, and Rehabilitate, Table J-1 Eligibility of Stand-Alone Projects for New and Faded Marking, Table J-2 Eligibility of Stand-Alone Projects for Sign Panel Replacement, Table J-3 Airfield Marking, Signage, and Lighting Work Codes, Table J-4 Airfield Signage and Lighting Project Requirements, Table K-1 NAVAID and Weather Reporting Equipment Work Codes, Table K-2 NAVAID and Weather Reporting Equipment Project Requirements, Table L-1 Requirements for Off-Airport Storage of ARFF Vehicles, Table L-2 Safety and Security Equipment Project Requirements, Table M-1 Other Equipment Project Requirements, Table N-1 Public-Use Requirements for Terminal Buildings, Table N-2 Movement of Passengers and Baggage Requirements, Table N-3 Revenue Producing Eligibility and Conditions for Terminal Buildings, Table N-4 Terminal Eligibility Proration Calculation, Table N-5 Typical Eligible Areas/Equipment within a Terminal Building, Table N-6 Additional Eligible Terminal Areas/Equipment at Nonhub Primary and Nonprimary Airports, Table N-7 Terminal Building Funding Rules by Airport Type, Table O-1 Allowable Costs for Areas in an ARFF Building at 14 CFR part 139 Certificated Airports, Table O-2 Distinctions between Construct, Expand, Modify, Improve, and Rehabilitate, Table O-3 Other Building Project Requirements (Other than Terminals), Table P-1 Distinctions between Construct, Expand, Modify, Improve, and Rehabilitate, Table P-2 Roads and Surface Transportation Work Codes, Table P-3 Roads and Surface Transportation, Table Q-1 Good Title Requirements for Land and Easement Acquisition, Table R-1 General Eligibility Requirements for Noise Compatibility Projects, Table R-3 Requirements for Neighborhood Equity, Table R-4 Pre-and Post-Testing Criteria for Noise Insulation Projects, Table R-5 Noise Compatibility Planning/Project Work Codes, Table R-6 Noise Compatibility Planning/Project Requirements, Table S-1 Environmental Planning/Mitigation Project Requirements, Table T-1 Distinctions between Construct, Expand, Modify, Improve, and Rehabilitate, Table T-2 Military Airport Program Project Requirements (for typical projects), Table U-1 Sponsor Requirements Regarding Suspension or Debarment, Table U-2 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.317 - Procurements by States, Table U-3 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.318 - General Procurement Standards, Table U-4 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.319 - Competition, Table U-5 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.320 - Methods of Procurement to be Followed, Table U-6 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.320(a) - Procurement by Micro-Purchases, Table U-7 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.320(b) - Procurement by Small Purchase Procedures, Table U-8 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.320(c) - Procurement by Sealed Bids (Formal Advertising), Table U-9 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.320(d) - Procurement by Competitive Proposals, Table U-10 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.320(f) - Procurement by Noncompetitive Proposals, Table U-11 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.321 - Contracting with Small and Minority Businesses, Women's Business Enterprises, and Labor Surplus Area Firms, Table U-12 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.322 - Procurement of Recovered Materials, Table U-13 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.323 - Contract Cost and Price, Table U-14 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.324 - Federal Awarding Agency or Pass-Through Entity Review, Table U-15 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.325 - Bonding requirements, Table U-16 AIP Handbook Clarification of 2 CFR 200.326 - Contract Provisions, Table V-1 Revenue Sources for the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, Table W-1 Airports Falling Under the Competition Plan Requirements, Table W-2 Completion Plan and Update Requirements, Table W-3 Required Initial Competition Plan Content, Table W-4 Required Competition Plan Update Content, Table X-1 General Sponsor Buy American Requirements, Table X-2 Criteria by Buy American Waiver Type, Table X-3 Buy American Specific Definitions, Table Y-1 Federally-Controlled Acreage in Public Land States, Table Y-2 Federal Shares by Airport Classification in Public-Land States Between 1970 and 1980, Table Y-3 Yes/No Test for Part 'b' Calculation, Table Y-4 Part 'b' Calculation Results (see Table Y-5 for columns marked *), Historical Program Guidance Letters (PGLs), 2022 Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Grants, Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). 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