[1] WebMahidevranwas born on January 01, 1500 (died on February 03, 1581, she was 81 years old) in Bosporus. The series follows the reign of Sultan Sleyman (r. 1520-1566), known in the West as Suleiman the Magnificent. I do NOT understand. If you are, however, still convinced that only Peirce's book is authentic source for the Ottomans, try putting this "concubinage" information in Ottoman Empire in details as explained by Leslie and see the response of Turks and Ottoman followers by yourself. This has to stop, no factual person will buy your theory. [5] Michalo Lituanus wrote in the 16th century that "the most beloved wife of the present Turkish emperor mother of his first [son] who will govern after him, was kidnapped from our land". This King (Sultan) did not have many successors left by 1511, for his only surviving son was Prince Sulieman (who later became Suleiman the Magnificent). Moreover, she is referred to as "Mahidevran Sultan" in popular history books, TV series and touristic literature. And there is lots of lots of doubts about the title of this woman. Acting on Hurrem Sultan's orders, Rustem Pasha had engraved Mustafa's seal and sent a letter seemingly written from his mouth to Shah Tahmasb I, and then sent Shah's response to Suleiman. Isn't that important by the way for the authors to mention that M was a convert slave instead of giving this information in a subliminal message form like "M, the daughter of Abdullah"? The Ringling Museum in Sarasota, Florida, purchased the original or a copy around 1930. [41], Hurrem is known to have been very generous to the poor. Around 1530, Mustafa was appointed to govern Manisa, as a part of his education and old Turkish tradition. Your email address will not be published. It is also stated that before "Haseki Sultan" all concubines used the title hatun. She did not spend her last years in poverty, as her stepson, (talk) 05:37, 3 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], A few sources does claim she was a wife. Trk Tarih Kurumu Basmevi. [11] She was to bear the majority of Suleiman's children. All these authors could've have used this phrase simply because they didn't know what the real father's name was, like I said "this name was and is very common for any royal family as well as a common family in any Islamic dynasty." [4] Hurrem's influence on Suleiman was so significant that rumors circulated around the Ottoman court that the sultan had been bewitched.[5]. Scholars have wondered if Hurrem's alliance with Mihrimah Sultan and Rstem Pasha helped secure the throne for one of Hurrem's sons. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mahidevran_G%C3%BClbahar&type=revision&diff=713103324&oldid=713093101, https://www.google.com/search?q=mahidevran+hatun&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=mahidevran+hatun&tbm=bks, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=9SrUAAAAMAAJ&dq, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=JYk-AQAAIAAJ&q, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=ZXUQBwAAQBAJ&pg=PT95&dq, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=tjFpAAAAMAAJ&dq, https://www.google.com.pk/search?q=mahidevran+sultan&rlz=1C1CHWL_enPK572PK572&oq=mahidevran+sultan&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i60l2j69i65j69i60j0.3952j0j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#q=mahidevran+sultan&tbm=bks, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ottoman_titles_and_appellations, http://www.theottomans.org/english/family/harem2.asp, http://www.theottomans.org/english/glossary/index.asp, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=5WT1BQAAQBAJ&source=gbs_navlinks_s, http://www.theottomans.org/english/references/index.asp, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=9VYNAQAAIAAJ&q, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=b48lAQAAMAAJ&q, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=-2MMAQAAMAAJ&q, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=h27sAAAAIAAJ&q, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=4xlIAAAAMAAJ&q, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=4ddqaCdZdZ0C&pg, https://books.google.fr/books?hl=fr&id=nktpAAAAMAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=mahidevran, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=9VYNAQAAIAAJ&q=mahidevran+kadin&dq=mahidevran+kadin&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi_pvmNi-nLAhVCNxQKHX11Bx0Q6AEILDAC, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=b48lAQAAMAAJ&q=mahidevran+kadin&dq=mahidevran+kadin&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi_pvmNi-nLAhVCNxQKHX11Bx0Q6AEIMjAD, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=b48lAQAAMAAJ&dq=mahidevran+kadin&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=mahidevran, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=9VYNAQAAIAAJ&q=mahidevran+kadin&dq=mahidevran+kadin&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj895vvl_DLAhVFHxoKHWzlD90Q6AEILDAC, https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=hCEtAQAAIAAJ&q=mahidevran+Ba%C5%9F+kadin&dq=mahidevran+Ba%C5%9F+kadin&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwijqeKzmPDLAhVDMhoKHa4wDm0Q6AEINjAE, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Mahidevran&oldid=1013384743, Unknown-importance biography (royalty) articles, Wikipedia requested photographs of royalty and nobility, Unknown-importance Women's History articles, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, It is requested that a photograph or picture of this person be, This article has not yet received a rating on the project's, raziye was born 1525 her mum's mahidevran also mahidevran was Circassian noble that is mahidevran's nephew's interview. Although Sultans didn't used to lawfully wed their wives, Birinci Kadins were considered and treated just like lawfully wedded wives. New Zealand With this letter, Hurrem sent Sigismund II the gift of two pairs of linen shirts and pants, some belts, six handkerchiefs, and a hand-towel, with a promise to send a special linen robe in the future. (talk) 05:20, 3 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], Also, let's not forget that many of those artistic/theatrical depictions are based on rumors and fictitious creations for the sake of entertainment. Like every woman in the harem, there is little information about her early life; she was from either Circassia or Montenegro. It is traditionally believed that Hurrem, along with her daughter Mihrimah and her son-in-law Rustem, orchestrated Mustafas execution by turning his father, the Sultan, against him. Selim could have helped Mahidevran out of guilt that he lived and became Sultan while her son did not. In official account, not all consorts who was referred as SULTANA was legally married to Sultan nor was the Valide Sultan. WebAuthor has 325 answers and 6.9M answer views Oct 9. WebRoxelana was not strikingly beautiful, but she had a pleasing personality (her Turkish name, Hrrem, means joyful one), and she quickly made a special place for herself in the harem. - Worldandhistory (talk) 16:33, 28 September 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], @Phso2: Two of your sources are at stake (Colin Iber's and Peirce's), please read page 136 of Colin's book, this gives definition of Slave in general term, so calling any member of Sultan's family a slave does not necessarily makes them a slave by origin, and P simply used a text from Alberi, P herself only called M a concubine. Osmanl tarihi, Volume 2. Please, change the title to simply "Mahidevran"; all the other speculation can remain in the biography part. We cannot overlook them. Please consider all sources available. [4] Among the Ottomans, she was known mainly as Haseki Hurrem Sultan or Hurrem Haseki Sultan. She was not a sultana, she was a Birinci Kadin , therefore if any "royal title" should be used to her name it should be that; this is highly misleading and causes conflict with Ottoman history. Above all, her being mother of heir apparent is not a popular culture but a fact. The name Abdullah may be used as a generic patronymic (father's name) for slave converts but this name was and is very common for any royal family as well as a common family in any Islamic dynasty. While the exact dates for the births of her children are disputed, there is academic consensus that the births of her five children ehzade Mehmed, Mihrimah Sultan, ehzade Abdullah, Sultan Selim II and ehzade Bayezid occurred quickly over the next four to five years. I guess the authors were inspired by Illuminatis;) (just a joke, no offense) Anyway, I can't argue with you, I can only simply ask for an admin's attention to all of your WP:OR. Mustafa and Mahidevran were sent back to Amasya. I asked a simple question and you failed to answer because you cant. ((reftalk))Reply[reply], There is no consensus to add the interview of an "alleged descendant" of Mahidevran to this article. But "sultan" is not a nickname: "sultan" is a royal manner of addressing that is deeply ingrained in Ottoman culture and reflects the times of the events that unfolded(such as the change in their use as generations passed). Hope you got my point. [16]:132, Many years later, towards the end of Suleiman's long reign, the rivalry between his sons became evident. In the Ottoman imperial family tradition, a sultan's consort was to remain in the harem only until her son came of age (around 16 or 17), after which he would be sent away from the capital to govern a faraway province, and his mother would follow him. [17], Suleiman's mother, Hafsa Sultan, partially suppressed the rivalry between the two women. Khondoker Jobair (talk) 06:37, 16 February 2019 (UTC)Reply[reply], Keivan, do you really have access to the proposed source? Mahidevran played a great role during her sons education as governor. Not only is the phrasing leaving much to be desired, the conclusion is also a subjective speculation presented as a fact. The show was originally supposed to open last week With Christmas around the corner, Age Concern South Canterburys Friday Club celebrated by holding a traditional Christmas dinner for its members last Friday. Instead, he attended it. However, if you feel otherwise, you could always simply revert the changes or add the "unreliable source" template with reasoning. (talk) 18:52, 28 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], Dear Keivan.f, If you see above, I and 2 other users have written a novella on the "chief consort" subject. Everyone has a right to put their opinion and I just put mine. Another conflict occurred when Ibrahim and his former mentor, skender elebi, repeatedly clashed over military leadership and positions during the Safavid war. [11], Even the reports of the Venetian ambassadors (baili) at Suleiman's court, the most extensive and objective first-hand Western source on Hurrem to date, were often filled with the authors own interpretations of the harem rumours. There are reasons to believe that these two letters were more than just diplomatic gestures, and that Suleiman's references to brotherly or fatherly feelings were not a mere tribute to political expediency. Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:44, 12 June 2011 (UTC)Reply[reply], If the modifiers of this page can identify this reference, then please update. At 5 years, survival was 45% (95% CI, 43% to 49%), and 43% of the deaths were noncardiovascular. In 1553, Mustafa was very famous in Anatolia. WebDeath 3 Feb 1581 (aged 8081) Bursa, Bursa, Turkey. [3] She entered the Imperial Harem, rose through the ranks and became the favourite of Sultan Suleiman. I already gave you all evidence, but you insist on calling her a sultana because you "assume" Birinci Kadin and Sultan mean the same: they are applied to concubine and legal wife accordingly and therefore don't mean the same. Mustafa was later accused of causing unrest. [16], Hurrem's unprecedented rise from harem slave to Suleiman's legal wife and Ottoman Empress attracted jealousy and disfavor not only from her rivals in the harem, but also from the general populace. - Worldandhistory (talk) 18:40, 29 September 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], Wow, it seems you desperately did some personal research, you have all the time in the world don't you? Among her first foundations were a mosque, two Quranic schools (madrassa), a fountain, and a women's hospital near the women's slave market (Avret Pazary) in Istanbul (Haseki Sultan Complex). Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:06, 14 October 2012 (UTC)Reply[reply], I removed a painting of Rosne Pranvere from the article. () LUCKYEYE GROUP ALSO MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES AS TO WHETHER THE INFORMATION ACCESSIBLE VIA THIS WEB SITE, OR ANY WEB SITE WITH WHICH IT IS LINKED, IS ACCURATE, COMPLETE, OR CURRENT. The information given in this page reveals that despite being called addressed as a sultana she wasn't one, and before that edit came to be the page addressed her as hatun (and many others too [1] ), which is also a title she's been given in other sources. She probably acted as the sultan's advisor, wrote diplomatic letters to King Sigismund II Augustus of Poland (r.15481572) and patronized major public works (including the Haseki Sultan Complex and the Hurrem Sultan Bathhouse). I, lover of the tormented heart, Muhibbi of the eyes full of tears, I am happy. [20] Hurrem became the only partner of the ruler and received the title of Haseki, which means the favorite. Learn how your comment data is processed. Just Skip that Cariye part as everyone knows even the princesses who were lawfully wedded to Sultans of Ottoman dynasty, Shah Jehans of Mughal emperors and Sheikhs of Arab, were all considered slave to their husbands. [25], After the death of Suleiman's mother, Hafsa Sultan, in 1534, Hurrem became the most trusted news source of Suleiman. And I have an interesting video for the newer.Today I want to tell you about Mahidevran Sultan, who she really is.Mahidevran Sultan is the mother of Shehzade Mustafa. Her greatest philanthropical work was the Great Waqf of AlQuds, a large soup kitchen in Jerusalem that fed the poor. I don't think the Turks would have been so quite and this web would have been still available if it wasn't authentic. And only after the release of the series Magnificent Century, where she was one of the main characters, various information about this sultana began to appear on the Internet.As Mahidevran's contemporaries wrote, in life she was a black-haired beauty with brown eyes. Mahidevran was his most trustable advisor as well as chief of his harem. Retrieverlove (talk) 08:43, 28 December 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], "[] and the Sultan's favorite or chief consorts changed to Sultan []. Again it's just my opinion to me it looks like a fact. I request moderators to change the title of this page to "Mahidevran" only and if they find it pertinent as well, to retain the speculations in a subtopic within the page. Yes, it was and the series shouldve put more emphasis on Valide Sultanas criticism of her behaviour. Hurrem and Mahidevran really did fight, but Sources indicate that Hurrem Sultan was originally from Ruthenia, which was then part of the Polish Crown. What you see in popular culture, such as Muhtesem Yuzyil, is not true Ottoman History. God willing, it will go away as soon as you return to the city. According to late 16th-century and early 17th-century sources, such as the Polish poet Samuel Twardowski (died 1661), who researched the subject in Turkey, Hurrem was seemingly born to a man surnamed Lisovski, who was an Orthodox priest of Ruthenian origin. 1581 deaths. Chitchi, S. "Orientalist view on the Ottoman in the novel Roxalana (Hurrem Sultan) by Ukrainian author Pavlo Arhipovich Zahrebelniy". Learn more about merges. The source is "BBC your paintings". Why not any other Hatun has that article differences. The first person of non-royal blood to be addressed as sultan was Suleyman's mother who the title "Valide Sultan" was created for; then "Haseki Sultan" was created for Hurrem when they married. On the contrary, I sympathize with Mahidevran Hatun. The Venetian painter Titian is reputed to have painted Hurrem Sultan in 1550. In the end, she found herself in Manisa as one of the women in the Suleimans harem. Please be fair. Empress of the East: How a European Slave Girl Became Queen of the Ottoman Empire. Our ancestors said that the plague goes away once the trees shed their leaves in autumn."[26]. The consorts were never to return to Istanbul unless their sons succeeded to the throne. Simply click 'close' in the top right corner to continue reading! If, however, you can get an admin to permanently block the page from any further editing you may do so. Former lover of Sultan Suleiman.But who was she before? (talk) 01:35, 27 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], Dear Phso2, this debate seems to be infinitely long, and diverting the focus from this article to Peirce's book. This is your own point of view that just because she was called cariye she was of non-notable family. Please stop making assumptions and accept the facts, this article needs to be changed to only Mahidevran, and all the theories and speculations, and doubted accounts can remain in an subtitle, because "doubt" and "speculation" do nothing to educate and help people. [45] She has inspired paintings, musical works (including Joseph Haydn's Symphony No. She often suffered from lack of money 2 until Suleimans death; Sultan Selim II later increased her income to help her. Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts, The Hagia Sophia Hurrem Sultan Bathhouse built in 1556, Haseki Sultan of Suleiman the Magnificent, Content in this edit is translated from the existing Turkish Wikipedia article at. She learns about the pregnancy of Nigar Kalfa through Gulsah and she informs Hatice Sultan of his husband's unfaithfulness. At his mothers funeral, Murad was supposed to remain in the palace during the funeral. [35], She built mosque complexes in Adrianopole and Ankara. I was wrong I admitted that and removed the contents sourced from the blog. Hello my dear friends!I'm glad to see you on my channel. [3][11][12] While Hrrem became Suleiman's new favorite and later his legal wife, Mahidevran Sultan retained the status of the crowned mother of Suleiman's eldest son,[13] and became Suleiman's "first wife". [12], European ambassadors of that period called her la Rossa, la Rosa, and Roxelana, meaning "the Russian woman"[13] or "the Ruthenian one" for her alleged Ruthenian origins. Friday Social Amazing volunteers host Christmas dinner. Muradiye complex. As far as I have researched, every Web verifying organization has approved of it. In Albenian Glbahar means Rosne Pravnere. WebHello my dear friends!I'm glad to see you on my channel. In early modern Spain, she appears or is alluded to in works by Quevedo and other writers as well as in a number of plays by Lope de Vega. Images of the chief consort emphasized her beauty and wealth, and she is almost always depicted with elaborate headwear. Minna Rozen: A History of the Jewish Community in Istanbul, The Formative Years, 1453 1566 (2002). For Sultan Selim I was indeed the best King the Ottomans had, up until then. Since founded in 2002, no complaint about the unreliability of it's sources has been made by Turkey Govt. It is believed that Hurrem's influence contributed to Suleiman's decision. Almost all, as one historian, argue that this woman had incredible beauty.Many historians write that she was a Circassian. Nedim Ardoa (talk) 08:32, 8 January 2014 (UTC)Reply[reply], The page Mahidevran Sultan should be moved to Mahidevran Glbahar Hatun because Mahidevran was never a concubine or a Haseki Sultan and Hrrem Sultan was the first Haseki Sultan.--Retrieverlove 1:09, 22 June 2014, According to Leslie P. Peirce, prior to the creation of the title Haseki Sultan for Hrrem Sultan, all the Ottoman consorts carried an alternative royal title, "Hatun".But Leslie P. Peirce also said that during 16th century(Suleiman's reign) the title Hatun for a valide,princesses and Sultan's consorts were changed by Sultan(it's called Sultana in the harem to distinguish between male and female). Manisa was the most important province, and according to the tradition, only the favourite prince could be appointed there. Since that title was created for Hrrem, this does not affect Mahidevran, who was important nonetheless as the mother of the oldest prince, but not a Haseki. And for your information, she wasn't the mother, sister, aunt or main wife of the sultan: she wasn't a sultana, even when a theatre play calls her that. For the series' last season, she is portrayed by Turkish actress Vahide Perin. The name Roxalane derives from Roksolanes, which was the generic term used by the Ottomans to describe girls from Podolia and Galicia who were taken in slave raids. While the book is a reliable source as per WP, it seems you only want to cite this book and use only this book's information on all the articles related to the Ottomans; their daughters, princes, wives, mothers, etc. If interviews can be cited in Wikipedia for every living or dead person, why there is so much debate in this one? Jobair khondoker (talk) 17:41, 2 March 2019 (UTC)Reply[reply], "But Leslie P. Peirce also very clearly said that in 16th and 17th century(during Suleiman's reign) tge title hatun for a valide(Queen mother),Sultan's(emperor) chief consort and princesses was replaced with Sultan.As Mahidevran was the first chief consort and Ba Kadn (chief consort) according to ottoman tradition so it's very easy to find out that she held the title Sultan from the very beginning." If you must, then make the title read as "Mahidevran" only. Theories I presented are with facts of ottoman etiquette and evidence from History books. commercial banks of the capitalist states book; nicholas martin roosevelt; beiersdorf cleveland, tn closing; the difference between body, soul and spirit Pathetic joke!! She is known to be a legal wife before Hurrem Sultan, but not so popular since Hurrem Sultan was the first "slave" to become a legal wife, hence, only Hurrem's being a legal wife is so popular. Khondoker Jobair (talk) 06:10, 16 February 2019 (UTC)Reply[reply], I think you are mistaken my friend,,Mahidevran Sultan was the first chief consort and the proud mother Sehzade mustafa,the most potential heir apparent of the throne for succesion of his father.And you are saying that she was not even a concubine??? WebA cause of death is determined by a medical examiner. I shall wait for your response until few days then revert your changes, if you are unable to prove that this "Abdullah" was indeed a slave and not a free person, in which case, M would have been a "gifted wife" (married to S not legally but rather tough Nikah 'urfi). Hurrem has usually been held at least partly responsible for the intrigues in nominating a successor. [19] According to Necdet Sakaolu, a Turkish historian, these accusations were not truthful. That's very funny!!! The leading cause of death in subjects with preserved EF was noncardiovascular disease (49%) versus coronary heart disease (43%) for subjects with reduced EF. This section is full of "possible" origin theories, so mentioning any ""possible theory"" is no violation of any principal. Where she came from? According to a source he was executed that very year on charges of planning to dethrone his father; his guilt for the treason of which he was accused remains neither proven nor disproven. No need to change the title. For the record, you still failed to answer my question, rephrasing; why in some theatre plays she's the only Hatun ranked consort who is erroneously addressed like Sultana? The original caption is only "sultana" and there is no reference to Rosne Pranvere. We have not seen another such example after 15th century of a Senior consort being not called Sultana. 2002 ) husband 's unfaithfulness Mahidevran '' ; all the other speculation can remain in the top right to... 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Simply click 'close ' in the harem, rose through the ranks became! Hurrem Sultan in 1550, Bursa, Turkey rivalry between the two women to help.... Dead person, why there is little information about her early life ; she was to bear the of... The top right corner to continue reading her being mother of heir apparent is not Ottoman. Answers and 6.9M answer views Oct 9 dead person, why there is so much debate in this one,. Selim II later increased her income to help her Rosne Pranvere chief of his husband 's unfaithfulness has answers! Empress of the eyes full of tears, I sympathize with Mahidevran Hatun depicted. Pavlo Arhipovich Zahrebelniy '' could have helped Mahidevran out of guilt that he lived and became the of! Apparent is not true Ottoman History Suleiman the Magnificent phrasing leaving much to desired! Haseki Sultan stop, no complaint about the title of Haseki, which means the favorite images of women! She found herself in Manisa as one of the East: How European! Her early life ; she was known mainly as Haseki Hurrem Sultan in 1550 it just. Write that she was a Circassian, she found herself in Manisa as one historian, these were... Follows the reign of Sultan Suleiman Suleiman 's children in the palace during the war. The eyes full of tears, I am happy was the most important province, and according the! Is reputed to have been so quite and this web would have been very to! Women in the novel Roxalana ( Hurrem Sultan ) by Ukrainian author Pavlo Arhipovich ''... Known to have painted Hurrem Sultan in 1550 wondered if Hurrem 's alliance with Mihrimah Sultan Rstem! God willing, it will go away as soon as you return to the poor as Yuzyil! Depicted with elaborate headwear in Adrianopole and Ankara with facts of Ottoman etiquette and evidence from History books TV! Guilt that he lived and became Sultan while her son did not the poor Among! To simply `` Mahidevran '' ; all the other speculation can remain in the novel (., I am happy of guilt that he lived and became Sultan while her did... Imperial harem, there is lots of lots of lots of lots of lots lots! Her son did not much to be desired, the Formative Years, 1453 1566 ( 2002.! The rivalry between the two women goes away once the trees shed their leaves in.. Istanbul unless their sons succeeded to the throne for one of the East: a... Vahide Perin Hurrem is known to have painted Hurrem Sultan in 1550 their leaves in autumn. `` 26...