Determine whether the following statement is positive or normative: "An unemployment rate of greater than 8 percent is good because prices will fall. As a result. a. 2. Full employment is natural unemployment minus 100%. II. (a) frictional unemployment (b) cyclical unemployment (c) natural unemployment (d) structural unemployment. d. It causes the natural rate of unemployment to rise. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding unemployment in the Keynesian and the AD-AS models? (b) The pricing policies of firms. In general, labor legislation in South Africa protects the employer at the expense of the employee. Full employment is natural unemployment minus 100%. Unions are always more efficient than firms at discerning which workers are highly, Which of the following can cause the real wage rate to be set above the equilibrium full-employment level? Employment insurance compensation encourages longer job searches, which may lead t, Which statement is true about unemployment insurance? d. the structural unemployment rate. A. Employment at will is a legal term in the area of labor law. Briefly explain why discouraged workers and part-time workers may contribute to the official unemployment rate, understating true unemployment in the economy. C. A person who is working part-time but would like to be work. D. The opportunity cost of job search in Canada is lower than in the United States. Which of the following would help reduce the amount of frictional unemployment? b. c. Companies have difficulties recruiting workers. A factory worker displaced from his factory job because of greater mechanization in the workplace. The few people who are unemployed stop looking for jobs. a. Which of the following statements regarding unemployment is true? An economy is producing its Natural Real GDP when the rate of unemployment is equal to the ________ unemployment rate. The economy is considered at full employment when: A. the unemployment rate is zero. D. An economic crisis in one country can create an economic crisis in other countries. The labor force would decrease and the unemployment rate would remain the same. A) the highest unemployment rate; the lowest unemployment rate B) the lowest unemployment rate; the highest unemployment rate C) a peak; a trough D) a trough; a peak, 1. An increase in the minimum wage has no effect on the well-being of middle-class families. Unemployment that is due to a recession is: a. involuntary unemployment. Explain the statement using the relationship between the natural unemployment rate and frictional, cyclical and structural unemployment. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The ABN indicates that the service is unlikely to be reimbursed by John Clark purchased a paintball gun at a pawn shop and then participated in a community sport of shooting paintball guns at cars. C. structural unemployment. B. d. cyclical unemployment. D. There is no cyclical unempl, If cyclical unemployment is eliminated in the economy, then A. the economy is considered to be at full employment. A person who quits work to care for aging parents. C. It does not exist in developed economies. C. The unemployment rate is equal to the cyclical rate of unemployment. Labor market outcomes are influenced by the interaction of supply and demand. Which of the following statements about community property law is true? a. Discouraged workers. ". An efficient wage b. Which of the following is true? a. d. A homemaker contributing 15 hours, Which of the following statements correctly describe discouraged workers? d. any, Natural unemployment is equal to which of the following? a. Fill in the blanks: (Employment and Unemployment) Discouraged workers are _ as unemployed. Structural Unemployment B. B. rate of frictionally unemployed plus the rate of structurally unemployed workers. A. Frank qu, Official unemployment statistics are more likely to understate the true unemployment problem when A. people are not working or actively seeking work, but claim to be looking for work when asked by government surveyors. Employment exceeds full employment. B. a. Unemployment/Full Employment - Frictional / Structural / Cyclical. D. seasonal unemployment. Which of the following is true when the economy is at full employment? The unemployment rate is equal to the natural rate of unemployment. A. b) Unemployment caused by the ordinary difficulties of matching firms with job seekers. The actual unemployment rate can never be at the natural rate. B. will equal structural unemployment. Workers kept out of unionized jobs to move to other industries, increasing the labor. c. frictional unemployment will be zero. Explain. 1. b. There must be involuntary unemployment in an efficiency wage equilibrium. Identify the false statement(s). (a) According to Statistics SA the unemployment rate for the first quarter of 2014 was 25.2%. The labor force would decrease and the unemployment rate would decrease. c. Unemployed workers as a percentage of the population age over-sixteen. The unemployment rate is equal to the natural rate of unemployment. Helps emplopyees meet their legal duties under equal employment opportunity law. The frictional unemployment rate is greater than the natural unemployment rate. They canaffect long run RGDP. What is the difference between being unemployed and being out of the labor force? Which of the following statements regarding cyclical unemployment are not true? Recessions begin at ______ and end at _____. 1. At P3, which statement is true? 2. Which of the following statements is true? A. inflation B. discouraged workers C. people employed in the underground economy D. unemployed people falsely reporting themselves to be actively looking fo, Which of the following best describes discouraged workers? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. C) Most other industrialized, Suppose the world price of cotton falls substantially. Select the statement below that is an example of monetary policy only. A. a. If the price of a product in a market decrease, Which of the following is true? The earnings test does not apply to dividends, interest, and rental income. There is only cyclical unemployment in the economy. c. The minimum wage reduces the number of jobs for less skilled workers. B. b. cyclical unemployment should increase and real GDP should decline. a) To be officially unemployed, a person has to be in the labor force. Which of the following statements is true? b) Unemployed: out of work looking for a job. B. Structural unemployment refers to jobs becoming outdated due no longer needing a specific skillset. Which of the following statements about the minimum wage are likely to be true? c) unemployment caused by economic downturns. A recession does not always lead to an increase of the unemployment rate, indeed this rate may drop during such economic distress. c. If the overall unemployment rate is 7 percent, Which is part of the economic impact of employment protection laws that make it hard for firms to lay off workers? 4% c. 5% d. 7%, The economy is considered to be at full employment when: a. the actual rate of unemployment is less than the natural rate. D) there is no frictional or structural unemplo, Suppose the economy is experiencing frictional unemployment of 1%, structural unemployment of 3%, and cyclical unemployment of 4%. Minimum wage laws B. c. If the overall unemployment rate is 7 percent, u, Which of the following statements most closely describes the variation in unemployment rates across countries in Europe: a) Countries with higher rates of unionization tend to have higher unemployment rates, but this is partially mitigated if wage negotia, Which of the following types of unemployment results when workers are willing to work at a prevailing wage rate though firms are unwilling to employ all of them at that wage rate? B. underemployed workers are counted. A) Firms usually tend to lay off workers than cut wages to reduce costs. b. A. c. Actual real GDP is, Which of the following statements best describes the "jobless recovery" after the Great Recession. When a dynamic labor market is operating efficiently, mostly cyclical unemployment will be present. c. cyclical unemployment. A) Establishing government-run employment agencie, Identify whether each of the following statements are positive or normative. ", Which of the following is an example of an active labor market policy? C. the unemployment rate is equal to the natural rate. (A) They are full-time workers who would like to work only part-time. Choose one or more: A. the economy enters a recession B. a new company hires 1,000 college graduates C. unemployment benefits are reduced from 26 weeks to 20 weeks D. advances in techno, Which of the following is not consistent with full employment? a) To be officially unemployed, a person has to be in the labor force. a. Economics is a social. 1) Based on the population classifications we discussed relating to the labor force and unemployment, determine whether each of the following statements is true or false. a. B. unemployment caused by changes in the industrial makeup of an economy. a) They have given up on looking for a job. A According to the principles of virtue-based ethics, actions are less important than the agent's moral character. b) A person who is not working is officially unemployed. a. A. Which of the following statements correctly describe discouraged workers? B) Natural unemployment - Cyclical unemployment. BUnemployment falls when production expands faster than labor force. a) A worker with a college degree is more likely to be unemployed than a worker without one. b) unemployment caused by changes in the industrial makeup of an economy. copyright 2003-2023 (choose all that apply) a) They are counted as part of the labor force by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Which of the following describes a way in which unions can reduce wages? Cyclical unemployment is 5% or less. The price of oil should be increased because burning it, Which of the following is not true when there is an inflationary gap? According to the strict definition of unemployment, a person who did not actively seek, Which of the following causes the unemployment rate to understate the true extent of joblessness? C) there is no frictional cyclical unemployment. Get access to all 8 pages and additional benefits: Choose the true statement about virtue-based ethics. Unemployment insurance increases the amount of frictional unemployment. There must be involuntary unemployment in an efficiency wage equilibrium. B) unemployed but seeking work. The frictional unemployment rate is greater than the natural unemployment rate. The unemployment rate in the United States was 8.1 percent in August 2012. b. Some unemployment will be present even when a dynamic labor ma, Which of the following statements concerning the supply of labor is true? Which of the following statements is true regarding the natural unemployment rate? Government expenditures create demand for goods and services. a. The United States assumed total responsibility for the . As a recession begins, firms quickly make layoffs. (You may select more than one answer.) No person is unemployed for whatever reason. b) The unemployment rate is 4.8 percent. b. unemployment rates will be increasing while aggregate output is falling. Which of the following statements is true? a. c. frictional unemployment. c. Companies have difficulties recruiting workers. Any job analysis should focus on works behaviors required for successful performance of the job. b) A person who is not working is officially unemployed. The seasonal unemployment rate c. The official unemployment rate reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics d. The cyclical unemployment rate. a. There is only cyclical unemployment in the economy. c) The U.S. labor market i; Which of the following statements is true of NAFTA? a. c. A monopsony is the only employer of a factor. Some unemployment will be present even when a dynamic labor ma. B. structural unemployment. Employment-at-will contracts imply that it is less costly for employers to fire employees because employers do not have to establish just causes for Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. a. transitory b. cyclical c. structural d. frictional 2. a. An advance beneficiary notice of noncoverage (ABN) is a written document provided to a Medicare beneficiary by a supplier, physician, or provider prior to service being rendered to inform beneficiaries in the traditional fee-for-service Medicare program about possible noncovered charges when limitation of liability (LOL) applies. General taxes on certain goods such as gasoline, cigarettes, alcohol, cable television, and phone services are Excise taxes. If some unemployed individuals became discouraged workers, which of the following would result? b. frictional unemployment. a. a) To be officially unemployed, a person has to be in the labor force. a. II. A full-time college student. a) To be officially unemployed, a person has to be in the labor force. a. frictional unemployment b. E. will equal the natural rate of unemployment. 1. A. 4. It is possible to eliminate natural unemployment. E. natural unemployment. a. It is not considered a legitimate type of employment. Createyouraccount. During a recession, cyclical unemployment will be low. A. Full employment is natural unemployment minus 100%. D) seasonal and cyclical unemployment. C. The unemployment rate is equal to the cyclical rate of unemployment. c. When an economy is at full employment, actual unemployment will be less than the natural rate of un, Which of the following statements correctly describe discouraged workers? The natural unemployment rate b. 20. a) The federal government passes some of its revenues to state and local governments b) Property taxes are are not a part of the state and local governments revenues c) Sales tax is not a part of state and local governments revenues d) Corporate taxes are a relatively small part of the state and local governments revenues. Labor market outcomes are influenced by the interaction of supply and demand. b. b. the leading economic indicators are unchanged for two consecutive quarters. a. Does cyclical unemployment exist when the economy is at its potential level of output? ii) Hannah, who quit her job to find one that better su. (a) frictional (b) structural (c) sum of the frictional unemployment rate and the structural (d) seasonal (e) cyclical. a. an individual who is not working and is not looking for work b. an individual who works full-time in a family business, but is not paid c. an individual who works only part-time d. all, Which of the following statements is/are correct? B. a) Fricti. During a recession, one will often observe: a. aggregate output rising. (a) According to Statistics SA the unemployment rate for the first quarter of 2014 was 25.2%. C. rate of cyclically unemployed. ii. Which of the following are microeconomic problems? Structural unemployment increases b. An unemployment rate of greater than 8 percent is good because prices will fall. A. B. As the wage rate rises, the substitution effect increases the opportunity cost of leisure and causes a worker to devote more time to working and less time to leisure. C. The unemployment rate is equal to the cyclical rate of unemployment. c. Investment in human capital is expected to increase the demand for those, Which of the following is a result of unemployment that is very low? Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, Three Types of Unemployment: Cyclical, Frictional & Structural. c. the structural unemployment rate. Which of the following statements about unemployment is true? A. Cyclical unemployment refers to _____. With the exception of during recessions, workers in Canada are eligible for unemployment benefits for about twice as long a period of time as workers in the United States. B. c) A person who is working part-time but would like to be working full-time is considered to be unemployed. a) "The actual rate of unemployment is below the NAIRU", b) "Actual GDP is higher than potential GDP", c) "The natural rate of unemployment is higher than the actual rate of unemployment", Which of the following statements is false? b.Married couples in community property states filing joint tax returns allocate their income per their state community property laws. A change in production capacity A change in income A change in quantity A major shift in supply. c. Unemployment exceeds the nat. (c) So, Which of the following best describes an economy with full employment? B. Real output exceeds the natural level of real output. The variation in unemployment caused by the economy moving from expansion to recession or from recession to expansion is known as: a) Cyclical employment. A) An unemployment rate of 5 percent or 6 percent B) Seasonal unemployment C) Structural unemployment D) Cyclical unemployment E) Frictional unemployment, As the economy falls from the peak to the trough of the business cycle: a. inflationary pressures should increase as unemployment rises. A. Learn the various types of unemployment. Which of the following statements is false? b. c. the economy is at full employment. Which of the following characteristics relate to cyclical unemployment? A. The unemployment rate equals the nature unemployment rate b. People who work at least one hour per week. True B. A person who is not employed and claims to be trying hard to find a job but really is not trying hard to find a job: A. is counted as out of the labor force but should be counted as unemployed. A. c) work tests. Someone who has lost her job in the last week. (B) They are counted as, Which of the following statements is true? a. A. d) Underemployed worked being counted a unemployed. a. A person who has given up searching for work is called a. frictionally unemployed. b. Cyclical unemployment is A. unemployment caused by time delays in matching available jobs and workers. In the production function, all the inputs are assumed to be fixed. To be officially unemployed, a person has to be in the labor force. Unemployment insurance decreases the amount of frictional unemployment. a. c. A health care worker who, Which of the following statements correctly describes European labor markets? Which of the following is not predicted by the technology shock driven real business cycle (RBC) theory? It is difficult to predict because it involves all kinds of workers. A. a. C. Labor market outcomes are not affected by s, Which of the following statements is false? Pick one type of unemployment and explain what it is with an example. To be officially unemployed, a person has to be in the labor force. a) "The actual rate of unemployment is below the NAIRU", b) "Actual GDP is higher than potential GDP", c) "The natural rate of unemployment is higher than the actual rate of unemployment", Which of the following would cause the natural rate of unemployment to increase? This type of unemployment is prevalent in agriculture and the primary sector. The actual unemployment rate can never be above the natural rate. People who lost their jobs during the recession experienced cyclical unemployment. 1. (c) So, Which of the following is not a true statement about discrimination in the US labor market A. Hint: it's not zero. It is possible to eliminate natural unemployment. Full employment means that the transaction costs associated with getting a job are zero. a. an increase in frictional unemployment b. a decrease in the natural rate of unemployment c. a decrease in cyclical unemployment d. an inc, 91. 1) Based on the population classifications we discussed relating to the labor force and unemployment, determine whether each of the following statements is true or false. A recession not always lead to an increase of unemployment rate, indeed this rate may drop during such economic distress. A decline in the markup on wages by 10% along with no change in the pa. b. 3. Select all that apply. If the unemployment rate is 10% and 90 million people are working, how many people are unemployed? b. seasonal unemployment. The earnings test does not apply to work earnings for those individuals who have reached the full retirement age under Social Security. Define employed, unemployed and the labor force. Chris then aimed his Brass Eagle paintball gun at the car John was riding in, but instead hit John in the eye. Structural Unemployment B. Either way, we want to make sure this statement wont have the risk to get us sued for . a) In recent years, the unemployment rate in every European country has been higher than the unemployment rate in the United States. a) Employed: currently working for pay. II. The short-run aggregate supply curve is horizontal to indicat, Which of the following equations shows what 'actual employment' is equal to? C) Firms usually tend to cut wages, Which one of the following statements is correct? a. [3] b and c. [4] a and b. Which of the following statements about full employment is correct? Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, Employee Rights: Employment-At-Will Doctrine & Exceptions. See the definition and causes of frictional, cyclical, structural, and other forms of unemployment with examples. What defines a person as unemployed? c.Separate property acquired before marriage becomes community property after marriage in . c. The natural unemployment rate is greater than the structural unem, Which one of the following statements is correct? [1] b [2] a. C) employed. a. An unemployment rate of greater than 8 percent is good because prices will fall. A landscape worker who is out of work during the winter. All rights reserved. a. a. 3. however, now we learned that everything is gone. The natural unemployment rate is the fraction of the labor force that is unemployed due to frictional unemployment. A monopsony has a marginal factor cost curve which lies below its supply curve of labor. Of those, 85 people are employed full time and 15 people are unemployed. a) A cyclical unemployment b) Frictional unemployment c) Structural unemployment d) Search unemployment, Which of the following statements correctly describe discouraged workers? d. Un. CONCEPT Major Social Issues in the Early 21st Century Report an issue with this question 7 Choose the true statement about the consequences of Vietnamization. Full employment means that the unemployment rate is less than 1/2 of 1 percent. Which of the following statements is false? A discouraged worker is counted as an unemployed worker. B. structural and frictional unemployment have been eliminated. c. Unemployment insurance increases the amount of. Determine which statement below regarding economic indicators is FALSE. d. structural unemployment. B. b. Unions reduce the demand for labor in certain industries by making workers too productive. b. an inflationary gap exists and wages are likely to rise. a. Select all that apply. b. a) "The actual rate of unemployment is below the NAIRU", b) "Actual GDP is higher than potential GDP", c) "The natural rate of unemployment is higher than the actual rate of unemployment". Structural unemployment c. Cyclical unemployment d. Seasonal unemployment e. Voluntary unemplo. b) In recent years, the average unemployment, Determine whether the following statement relates to microeconomics or macroeconomics: "The unemployment rate has declined to 3.7% in the United States. b) A person who is not working is officially unemployed. b) In general, nations with higher labor market rigidity have higher rates of long term unemployment. a. Frictional unemployment implies a lack of available jobs. Why? Which of the following statements is false? Unemployment insurance increases the amount of frictional unemployment. B) there is no cyclical unemployment. Market failure such as efficiency wages can give employers the ability to discriminate without hurling pr, 1. Will fall of a which of the following statements are true regarding unemployment unemployment rates will be present even when a dynamic labor.. Positive or normative full-time is considered at full employment rate would remain the same because burning it which! 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